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59090 中国需要为美国对这些物资的依赖负责吗?除非有人认为奋发上进是错的,否则答案就是“不需要”。 Is China responsible for the U.S.' dependency on these supplies? Only if one believes that trying to get ahead is wrong.
59091 如果成本收益之比对美国有利,企业和制造商自然会选择美国。 If the cost-benefit equation works out in the U.S.' favor, companies and manufactures would naturally choose the U.S.
59092 但在此之前,医疗脱钩可能并不明智 But until then, medical decoupling might not be such a great idea.
59093 Amid much terrible news tied to COVID-19 comes one positive forecast: World agricultural commodity prices are stable and are expected to remain so in 2020  , as production levels and stocks of most staple foods are at or near record highs. 在关于新冠疫情的大量坏消息中出现了一个积极的预测:由于大部分主食粮食产量和库存处于或接近历史最高水平,世界粮食大宗商品价格稳定,而且预计2020年将继续保持稳定。
59094 The World Bank’s Commodity Markets Outlook comes with large caveats including uncertainty over the pandemic’s duration and severity; the direction of energy and fertilizer prices; currency movements; changes to trade and domestic support policies; and possible disruptions in global supply chains. 世界银行《大宗商品市场展望》也提出需要关注的问题,包括疫情持续时间和严重程度的不确定性、能源和化肥价格走向、货币流动、贸易和国内支持性政策改变、全球供应链可能出现中断等等。
59095 At a regional level, the worst locust outbreak in decades has hit 23 countries in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and South Asia, devastating crops on which millions depend.  在地区层面,非洲、阿拉伯半岛和南亚23个国家遭受数十年来最严重的蝗灾,摧毁了亿万人赖以为生的粮食作物。
59096 Mitigating these risks requires concerted action. 缓解这些风险需要协调一致的行动。
59097 Rice prices trended upward in recent weeks due to drought conditions prior to COVID-19 and limiting trade measures, but came down in recent days thanks to the efforts of countries like Vietnam the world’s third-largest rice exporter which lifted its temporary export ban. 由于新冠疫情爆发前的干旱和限制贸易的措施,最近几周大米价格趋涨,但由于越南(世界第三大大米出口国)等国取消临时性出口限制的努力,价格近日出现回落。
59098 This matters not only because a large share of rice consumed in Africa is imported, but also because past experience shows export restrictions can lead to rapid escalations in world food prices that affect poor countries the most. 这很重要,不仅因为进口大米在非洲大米消费中占比很大,也因为过去的经验表明,出口限制可能导致世界粮价飞涨,对贫困国家影响最大。
59099 This was the case during the 2007/2008 food price crisis, when as many as one-third of the world’s countries adopted trade restrictions and the number of poor people increased by 150 million. 在2007/2008年粮价危机期间就是这种情况,当时全世界多达三分之一的国家实行了贸易限制,贫困人口增加了1.5亿人。