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59140 The world is facing unprecedented challenges today that require urgent, country-specific responses.  如今,世界面临着前所未有的挑战,需要采取紧急的、针对具体国情的应对措施。
59141 "According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 820 million people were already undernourished before today’s crisis– including 135 million people experiencing acute food insecurity." “根据联合国粮农组织估计,在目前危机爆发前全世界已有8.2亿人营养不足,其中包括1.35亿人经历严重粮荒。”
59142 Hunger has remained shockingly prevalent in recent years. 近年来,饥饿的普遍程度仍令人震惊。
59143 According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 820 million people were already undernourished before today’s crisis – including 135 million people experiencing acute food insecurity. 根据联合国粮农组织估计,在目前危机爆发前全世界已有8.2亿人营养不足,其中包括1.35亿人经历严重粮荒。
59144 As incomes fall, we are already hearing reports of people skipping meals. 随着收入下降,我们已经听说了有民众不吃饭的报道。
59145 This wave of malnutrition will have long-lasting impacts on human capital, especially for children. 这一波的营养不良将会对人力资本、尤其是儿童产生持久性的负面影响。
59146 There are plenty of new obstacles to food production, transport and consumption. 粮食生产、运输和消费面临大量新的障碍。
59147 Pests and disease outbreaks such as locusts and African Swine Fever as well as droughts compound the COVID-19 challenge, prompting the World Food Program to predict a doubling of acute food insecurity by the end of the year. 蝗灾和非洲猪流感等病虫害和疫情以及干旱都使得新冠疫情进一步复杂化,使得世界粮食计划署预测今年年底粮荒会进一步加倍。
59148 To understand the magnitude of the challenge, we need to look at the food supply chain and assess constraints at the country and local level. 要想理解这一挑战的规模,我们需要研究粮食供应链,评估国家和地方层面的限制因素。
59149 Farmers must be able to plant and harvest. They need access to and financing for inputs like fertilizer and seeds. They will also need labor resources. 农民必须能够耕种和收获,需要获得资金购买化肥、种子等投入品,也需要劳动力资源。