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59150 Measures to stop the spread of coronavirus are impeding the movement of migrants who perform farm work in many countries. 新冠疫情防控措施阻碍了在许多国家从事农业生产的移民的流动。
59151 Allowing worker movement, enforcing new safety protocols, and supplying workers with adequate protection will be critical in the months ahead. 允许劳工流动,执行新的安全规程,为劳工提供适当的保护,对于未来数月至关重要。
59152 This is important in developing countries where agricultural production is more labor intensive, morbidity and movement restrictions can have larger impacts. 这对于农业生产劳动力集约型程度较高的发展中国家很重要,发病率和人员流动限制可能产生较大的影响。
59153 Produce needs to reach the market. 产品需要运到市场。
59154 Food and related inputs and services need to be defined as essential goods so transport is prioritized to overcome the strictures of lockdowns. 需要将食品及相关投入品和服务定义为必需品,从而给予优先运输而不受封城措施的限制。
59155 Truckers need more than a green light to keep working. They need mechanics and related services to keep delivering food to markets. 货车司机继续工作需要的不仅仅是绿灯,他们需要技工及相关服务,以保证把食物运送到市场。
59156 The same goes for agricultural inputs. 农业投入品也一样。
59157 The continued flow of seeds, fertilizer and mechanical parts often across borders will be crucial in the next six to 12 months. 在未来12个月,保障种子、化肥和机械零件的流通,往往是跨国流通,是非常重要的。
59158 And we need to recognize the myriad of businesses including small and medium enterprises, often informal, that supply farmers and handle food from farm to fork, and devise policies to keep them afloat.  我们需要认识到,为农民供应物资和参与食品“从农田到餐桌”全过程的是大量的企业,包括中小企业,往往是非正规企业,必须设计有利维持其生存的政策。
59159 "The World Bank estimates that 40 to 60 million more people will be living in extreme poverty in coming months, depending on the scale of the economic shock." “世界银行估计,在未来数月,根据经济冲击的规模大小,极端贫困人口将会增加4000-6000万人。”