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59160 It’s important to not only ensure people access basic food supplies, but also that they have money to purchase them.  重要的不仅仅是保障人民的基本食物供应,而且要确保他们有钱购买食品。
59161 On average, food accounts for up to 60 percent of household expenditures in low income countries and 40 percent in emerging and development market economies. 平均来说,食品占低收入国家家庭支出的比重可高达60%,在新兴市场和发展市场经济体占40%。
59162 Economic recession and loss of livelihoods quickly erode the food security of millions of people especially if food prices increase. 经济衰退和丧失生计会迅速破坏亿万民众的粮食安全,特别是在粮价上涨的情况下。
59163 The World Bank estimates that 40 to 60 million more people will be living in extreme poverty in coming months, depending on the scale of the economic shock. 世界银行估计,在未来数月,根据经济冲击的规模大小,极端贫困人口将会增加4000-6000万人。
59164 Therefore, social safety nets for the poorest and most vulnerable are needed as part of the immediate and next phase of COVID-19 emergency assistance.  因此,作为目前和下一阶段新冠疫情应对救助方案的一项内容,需要建立加强针对最贫困和最弱势群体的社会安全网。
59165 Many countries are using social safety nets to respond. 很多国家正在利用社会安全网进行应对。
59166 However, much more needs to be done to compensate income losses and support businesses and promote economic resilience. 但是,还需要做得更多,以补偿收入损失,扶持企业,提升经济韧性。
59167 In poorer countries, social safety nets and inclusion programs remain limited in budget, coverage, benefit levels and flexibility, and need to be significantly scaled up to respond to a crisis of this magnitude.  在较贫困国家,社会安全网和包容性计划在预算、覆盖面、福利水平和灵活性方面仍然有限,需要显著扩大规模来应对如此规模的危机。
59168 Given the urgency of this challenge, countries’ limited resources, and that a large percentage of the labor force and informal sector are agricultural and food producers as well as net consumers (in some of the poorest countries up to 80%), it makes sense to prioritize agriculture and food sectors in designing assistance programs. This will mean we are putting money in people’s pockets so they don’t go hungry, and making sure food keeps moving. 鉴于这一挑战的紧迫性和各国有限的资源,鉴于农业和食品生产者以及净消费者在劳动力和非正规行业占很大比例(在一些最贫困国家可占到80%),在设计救助计划时优先考虑农业和食品行业是合情合理的,这意味着把钱放进民众的口袋里,不让他们挨饿,确保食品流通。
59169 美国疾病控制和预防中心官网日前发布了该中心首席副主任安妮·舒沙特等人撰写的分析报告,复盘美国新冠疫情发展。 미국 질병통제예방센터(CDC) 홈페이지가 슈챗(Anne Schuchat) CDC 수석부국장 등이 작성한 분석 보고서를 최근 발표했다.