ID 原文 译文
59260 “He was amazed, he didn’t understand how he had been infected. We put the puzzle together and he had not made any trips. The only contact that he had was with his wife.” “他很吃惊,不明白自己是怎么被感染的。我们把线索集中在一起,他没有旅行史,唯一的密切接触者是他的妻子。”
59261 Researchers in the US have also started finding evidence that the virus was infecting and killing people earlier than the country's first reported cases. 美国的研究人员也开始发现证据表明新冠病毒的感染和死亡病例早于该国首次报告的病例。
59262 “Identifying the first infected patient is of great epidemiological interest as it changes dramatically our knowledge regarding SARS-COV-2 and its spreading in the country. Moreover, the absence of a link with China and the lack of recent travel suggest that the disease was already spreading among the French population at the end of Dec, 2019.” they wrote. 研究人员写道:“确认第一个被感染的患者对流行病学很有意义,因为它极大地改变了我们对新冠病毒及其在法国传播的认识。此外,首个病例与中国没有联系,也没有近期的旅行史,这些都表明,在2019年12月底,新冠肺炎已经在法国人群中传播了。”
59263 5月5日,刘晓明大使出席英中贸协网上座谈会,发表题为《携手应对,化危为机,共创未来》的主旨演讲,并回答听众提问。 On 5 May, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming attended a webinar hosted by China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) and delivered a keynote speech entitled Join Hands to Turn Crisis into Opportunities for a Brighter Future. This was followed by Q&A with online participants.
59264 座谈会由英中贸协主席古沛勤爵士主持。 The webinar was presided over by Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, Chairman of CBBC.
59265 英国国际贸易部和商业部国务大臣格林姆斯通勋爵、英中贸协名誉主席沙逊勋爵、英国中国商会方文建、毕马威会计事务所副主席塞耶,英国财政部、国际贸易部、农业部等中央政府官员,威尔士、诺丁汉市、布里斯托市、巴斯市等地方政府代表,英国石油、阿斯利康、毕马威、汇丰及英中贸协、英国中国商会、48家集团俱乐部、苏格兰商会等工商界代表,大英图书馆、英格兰和威尔士法律协会、牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、诺丁汉大学、卡迪夫大学、格拉斯哥大学等学界代表以及英驻华使领馆代表等共约500人出席。 Around 500 people attended the event, including Lord Grimstone, Minister for Investment at the Department for International Trade and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Lord Sassoon, President of CBBC, Fang Wenjian, Chairman of China Chamber of Commerce in the UK (CCCUK), David Sayer, Vice Chair at KPMG, officials from HM Treasury, Department for International Trade, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the governments of Wales, Nottingham, Bristol, and Bath, representatives from business sectors, such as BP, AstraZeneca, KPMG, HSBC, CBBC, CCCUK, The 48 Group Club, and Scottish Chamber of Commerce, from academic sectors, such as British Library, The Law Society of England and Wales, University of Oxford, UCL, University of Nottingham, Cardiff University, and University of Glasgow, and diplomats from the British Embassy in China.
59266 活动通过刘大使推特账号直播。中国国际电视台(CGTN)在其“脸书”账号进行直播,英国天空新闻台进行部分直播并滚动播放相关内容,彭博新闻、《每日快报》、《旗帜晚报》以及中央电视台、新华社、《中国日报》等进行了报道。主旨演讲全文如下: The webinar was broadcast live on Ambassador Liu's Twitter and CGTN Facebook, and covered live in part and reported on prime-time news programme of Sky News. It was also reported by Bloomberg News, Daily Express, Evening Standard, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency and China Daily. The full text of the speech is as follows:
59267 尊敬的英中贸协主席古沛勤爵士, Sir Sherard,
59268 英中贸协、48家集团俱乐部和英国中国商会各位企业家, Members of the China Britain Business Council, the 48 Group Club and the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK:
59269 女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen: