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59280 一是坚持以人民为中心。 First, saving lives. The people are the focus of all our efforts.
59281 习近平主席多次强调要“始终把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位”。 President Xi Jinping has reiterated that we should always regard the safety and health of the people as the top priority.
59282 疫情发生后,中国政府本着对人民负责的态度,第一时间构建起从中央到地方、全方位多层次网格化的防控体系, Acting responsibly in record time after the outbreak, the Chinese Government established an all-dimensional and multi-layered network of prevention and control that involves everyone, from the Central Government down to grass root communities.
59283 采取了最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控措施, The measures we have taken are the most comprehensive, strict and thorough the world has ever seen.
59284 坚持“四早”(早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗) The principles of early diagnosis, early report, early quarantine and early treatment have been followed.
59285 和“四集中”(集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治)。 Covid-19 patients were admitted into designated hospitals that offer best experts, sufficient resources, and timely and tailored treatment.
59286 实践证明,这些部署是及时的、果断的,举措是有力的、有效的,形成了全面动员、全面部署、全面加强疫情防控格局。 Facts prove that these measures were timely, decisive and effective. The whole nation was under overall planning and fully mobilized to meet the crisis head on and bring the virus under control.
59287 二是坚持同舟共济。 The second principle is helping each other.
59288 中国不仅对本国人民生命安全和身体健康负责,也对全球公共卫生事业尽责。 China has acted responsibly not only for the safety and health of the Chinese people but also with global public health in mind.
59289 中国从一开始就采取公开、透明的态度,及时向国际社会报告疫情信息、共享病毒全基因序列、分享防控和诊疗经验, From the very beginning of the outbreak, China has been sharing what we know with the international community, from reporting the epidemic and providing full genetic sequence of the virus, to sharing experience of prevention, control and treatment.