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59310 尽管这次疫情造成中英贸易额短期下滑,一些企业难免面临回款、物流等方面困难,但中英两国经济优势互补的事实没有变,经贸投资合作的基础没有变,两国企业对中英合作的信心也没有变。 The outbreak of Covid-19 has caused temporary slide in China-UK trade. Some companies may encounter difficulties in payment collection and logistics. On the brighter side, the positive factors of China-UK relations remain unchanged:The economies of our two countries are still highly complementary;The foundation for economic, trade and investment collaboration is still solid. Our businesses are still confident in China-UK cooperation.
59311 在中国的文字中,“危机”一词既包括“危”,也包括“机”,我们注重危中寻机、化危为机。 The Chinese word for "crisis" is a combination of two meanings, namely, crisis and opportunities. In face of a crisis, we always focus on finding opportunities in the crisis and turning the crisis into opportunities.
59312 如何化危为机,实现逆势发展,我有三点建议: In this time of difficulties, how do we turn the crisis into opportunities and speed up development? I have the following three suggestions:
59313 一是抓住中国经济率先复苏的机遇。 First, as China's economy takes the lead to recover, there will be opportunities up for grabs.
59314 随着中国疫情防控向好态势进一步巩固,中国经济复苏发展的态势稳健。 China has Covid-19 under control and continues to consolidate the initial success. Its economy is showing a steady momentum of recovery.
59315 截至4月下旬,中国规模以上工业企业平均开工率已达99.1%,人员复岗率达到95.1%。 As of the end of April, 99.1% of the large-scale enterprises have been reopened, and 95.1% of staff and workers are back to work.
59316 中国4月份制造业采购经理人指数为50.8%,连续两个月处于荣枯线以上。 Manufacturing PMI was above the threshold in both March and April, reaching 50.8% in April.
59317 根据中国商务部对8200多家外资重点企业的调查,截至4月28日,复产率超过70%的外资企业占76.6%。 According to a survey conducted by China's Ministry of Commerce covering more than 8,200 key foreign companies, 76.6% have powered-on over 70% of their production capacity by April 28th.
59318 此次疫情也为中国经济加快转型升级带来机会,包括“宅经济”、“云办公”、数字经济、人工智能、医疗健康等领域都具有很大发展潜力。 The battle against Covid-19 has also created opportunities for China's economic transformation and upgrading. It has given rise to "stay-at-home economy", "cloud office", digital economy, artificial intelligence and health care. The potential for further growth in these areas will be huge.
59319 例如,中国已经成为全球医疗用品的主要供应地,这不仅是中国对全球抗疫的贡献,也有助于打造未来的产业链、供应链。 China has become a major global supplier of medical products. This represents China's contribution to the global response to Covid-19 pandemic, and helps strengthen the industrial and supply chains for these products in the future.