ID 原文 译文
59330 我相信,推动构建开放型世界经济,将会给未来中英经贸合作注入新的活力,为中英两国共同推动重振世界经济提供重要机遇。 I believe that in building an open world economy, China and the UK will find new impetus for their trade and economic cooperation in the future. Our two countries could also identify important opportunities for revitalizing the world economy.
59331 三是抓住共建“健康丝绸之路”的机遇。 Last but not least, the opportunities in building a "Silk Road of Public Health" will be up for grabs.
59332 在全球抗疫过程中,我们更加认识到,只有长远布局人类卫生健康事业,提升全球公共卫生治理水平,支持联合国及世界卫生组织在完善全球公共卫生治理中发挥核心作用,打造人类卫生健康共同体,才能在与病毒的斗争中做好准备、赢得先机。 The on-going battle against Covid-19 tells us that we must make long-term plans for global public health if we want to be well prepared for and gain the advantage in any future outbreaks. This means we should improve governance, and in doing this, we must enhance the leading role of the UN and the WHO. We must come together as a community
59333 “一带一路”建设既致力于实现各方经济融合发展,也有助于维护地区及世界的和平与稳定,是通往人类卫生健康共同体的重要途径。 The Belt and Road Initiative offers an important route to building a community of public health. With its goal of promoting economic growth along the route, and safeguarding regional and global peace and stability, BRI can help partners build stronger and more efficient public health.
59334 携手打造“健康丝绸之路”,为完善全球公共卫生治理提供了新思路,也为高质量共建“一带一路”开辟了新的合作空间。 Building a "Silk Road of Public Health" could contribute to improving global public health governance. In turn, this could open up more space for high-quality cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative.
59335 疫情发生后,中欧班列为欧洲国家及时获得医疗物资和生活必需品搭建了绿色通道。 In response to Covid-19 outbreak, China Railway Express opened a green channel for medical supplies and daily necessities to reach Europe in time and hassle-free.
59336 在全球贸易出现萎缩的背景下,中欧班列将发挥国际运输新动脉的作用,降低疫情对中欧产业链、供应链合作带来的冲击和影响。 Amid shrinking global trade, China Railway Express will facilitate the movement of goods across borders between China and Europe to alleviate the impact of the epidemic on the industrial and supply chains.
59337 我相信,在“一带一路”建设的新空间里,英国经验、智慧、创意与中国资金、技术、市场化能力一定能实现优势互补。 I am confident that China and the UK could benefit from tapping the potential of the BRI. The UK's experience, knowledge and creative ideas will complement with China's capital, technology and commercialization capability. Together we can go for win-win results.
59338 女士们,先生们 Ladies and Gentlemen:
59339 大疫带来大考,大考推动大变。 Covid-19 is a major test which will bring major changes.