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59340 面对新冠肺炎疫情这场大考,世界各国都要回答一系列问题: In face of this test, countries of the world must respond to a series of questions:
59341 要经济全球化还是要逆全球化? Do we embrace economic globalisation or reject it?
59342 要开放还是要封闭? Do we stay open or hide behind closed doors?
59343 要合作还是要对抗? Do we work together or fight each other?
59344 要多边主义还是要单边主义? Do we go for multilateralism or resort to unilateralism?
59345 我相信,中英两国的答案高度契合。 I am sure China and the UK have the same answers to these questions.
59346 只要我们坚定信心、守望相助、化危为机、深化合作,就一定能战胜疫情,就一定能开创更加美好的未来! I am confident that as long as we stand firm, come to each other's aid, turn crisis into opportunities and deepen cooperation, we will claim final victory over the virus, and create a better and brighter future!
59347 Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. 大家早上好,下午好,晚上好。
59348 Exactly 40 years ago today, on the 8th of May 1980, the World Health Assembly officially declared that “the world and all its peoples have won freedom from smallpox”. 40年前的今天,即1980年5月8日,世界卫生大会正式宣布“全世界及其所有人民赢得了摆脱天花的自由”。
59349 Smallpox is the first and, to date, the only human disease to be eradicated globally. 天花是第一种、也是迄今为止唯一一种在全球范围内被消灭的人类疾病。