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59370 To be clear, this estimate only covers WHO’s needs, not the entire global need. 需要明确的是,这一估算仅涵盖世卫组织的需求,并非全球抗疫的全部需求。
59371 WHO is deeply grateful to the countries and donors who responded to WHO’s initial Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, and to the hundreds of thousands of individuals, corporations and foundations who have contributed to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund we thank you so much for your commitment and support. 世卫组织非常感谢对其最初的战略防范和应对计划做出响应的国家和捐助者,以及向COVID-19团结应对基金捐款的成千上万的个人、公司和基金会。我们非常感谢你们的赞助和支持。
59372 Our updated strategic plan takes into account the lessons we have learned so far, strengthening WHO’s role in global and regional coordination. 更新的战略计划考虑到了我们迄今为止汲取的经验教训,加强了世卫组织在全球和区域协调中的作用。
59373 It is built on five strategic objectives: 它基于五个战略目标:
59374 First, to mobilize all sectors and communities; 第一,动员所有部门和社区;
59375 Second, to control sporadic cases and clusters by rapidly finding and isolating all cases; 第二,通过迅速发现和隔离所有病例,控制零星病例和聚集性病例;
59376 Third, to suppress community transmission through infection prevention and control and physical distancing; 第三,通过防控感染和保持人际距离,抑制社区传播;
59377 Fourth, to reduce mortality through appropriate care; 第四,通过恰当的医护,降低死亡率;
59378 And fifth, to develop safe and effective vaccines and therapeutics. 第五,开发安全有效的疫苗和治疗方法。
59379 To support these objectives, WHO will continue to provide technical, operational and logistics support to countries, and we will continue to update and adapt our guidance according to local needs. 为了支持这些目标,世卫组织将继续向各国提供技术、业务和后勤支持,并将继续根据当地的需求更新和调整我们的指导意见。