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59380 In certain fragile settings and countries with weaker health systems, WHO will continue its operational work as a provider of essential health services. 在某些脆弱的环境下和卫生系统薄弱的国家,世卫组织将继续作为基本卫生服务的提供机构开展业务工作。
59381 As we reflect today on the eradication of smallpox, we’re reminded of what is possible when nations come together to confront a common foe, to confront a common enemy. 今天当我们回首消灭天花的往事时,让我们记住,当各国同心协力面对一个共同的敌人,迎战一个人类公敌时,我们所能成就的伟业。
59382 The legacy of smallpox was not only the eradication of one disease; it was the demonstration that when the world unites, anything is possible. 天花工作遗产不仅仅是消灭了一种疾病,它表明,当世界团结一心时,我们将无往不胜。
59383 If there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
59384 It gave us the confidence to pursue the eradication of other diseases like polio and Guinea worm. 它使我们有信心消灭脊髓灰质炎和几内亚线虫病等其他疾病。
59385 Like smallpox, COVID-19 is a defining challenge for public health. 像天花一样,COVID-19是公共卫生领域面临的决定性挑战。
59386 Like smallpox, it’s a test of global solidarity. 像天花一样,它是对全球团结互助的一次考验。
59387 Like smallpox, COVID-19 is giving us an opportunity not only to fight a single disease, but to change the trajectory of global health, and to build a healthier, safer, fairer world for everyone to achieve universal health coverage, to achieve our dream from the establishment of WHO in the 1940s: Health for All. 像天花一样,COVID-19不仅为我们提供了抗击疾病的机会,也为我们提供了改变全球健康状况的机遇,激励我们建立更健康、更安全、更公平的世界,造福全人类,实现全民健康覆盖,实现自20世纪40年代世卫组织成立以来的梦想:人人健康。
59388 Thank you. 谢谢大家。
59389 Before we move on to questions, I’d like to mention one small way we are commemorating the eradication of smallpox. 在进入提问环节之前,我想提一下我们纪念消灭天花的一个小小举措。