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59400 当中国抗疫努力取得积极成效、中国境外确诊病例数和死亡数却无情上升时, As China’s situation improved, the number of confirmed cases and fatalities skyrocketed elsewhere.
59401 他们随即改口,无视中方为应对这一种全新病毒所做的积极努力, Promptly, a few American politicians switched to their default setting of blaming others, ignoring that China has done its best in responding to a new virus.
59402 指责中国没有及时提出预警,隐瞒实际感染数量,一些人还叫嚣着要向中国追责、索赔。 They persistently accuse China of delays and coverups, and some even demand a reckoning with China.
59403 他们还指责中国出口有质量问题的防护物资。 China was blamed for providing second-rate supplies with quality-control problems.
59404 看到中方为确保物资质量和有序出口出台了相关措施,就转口批评中国囤积医疗物资并阻滞出口。 When measures were taken to ensure the products’ quality, China was criticized for hoarding supplies and holding up exports.
59405 阴谋论是必不可少的调料,他们认为中方一定是要借此攫取地缘政治利益的。 Conspiracy theories abound and all point to China’s “geopolitical strategies.”
59406 因为世界卫生组织自始至终高度赞赏中国抗疫举措和成效,他们就诬蔑中国对其出资了或者施压了,断定世卫组织连带犯有偏袒和管控不力之错。 The World Health Organization has spoken highly of China’s epidemic response, which led the conspiracy theorists to charge that China has either bought the WHO or exerted political pressure on the agency. Naturally, the WHO has been lambasted for taking sides and being incompetent.
59407 但是中国有没有错,只需让事实说话。 Is China really to blame? Here are some facts:
59408 首先,有目共睹,正是得益于中国政府采取的最严格的防控举措、中国人民作出的巨大牺牲,中国的抗疫工作才取得了今天的阶段性成果,最大程度地保护了中国人民的生命安全和身体健康,也为阻止疫情在世界蔓延争取了宝贵时间。 First, China has taken strict measures and made huge sacrifices to keep the virus in check, which not only saved lives at home but also bought precious time for the world.
59409 其次,面对这种全新病毒的侵袭,中方已尽力做到公开、透明、负责任通报。 Second, China has done its best to share information about the virus.