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59420 按照这个逻辑,如果有人问,谁来为H1N1流感作出赔偿?谁来为艾滋病作出赔偿? If that made sense, then who was to compensate for the fatalities of the H1N1 flu and HIV/AIDS?
59421 谁来为2008年全球金融危机造成的巨大损失作出赔偿?我们该如何回答? Who was to pay for the huge losses caused by the 2008 financial crisis?
59422 “逢中必反”的背后是肮脏的政治,反映了一小撮人通过转移民众注意力来追逐自身狭隘政治利益的企图。 Behind the mind-set of “always blame China” is a kind of dirty politics, championed by a few people who shift the spotlight for political gain.
59423 在他们的操作中,中国必须是错的。 In their manipulation, China has to be wrong.
59424 最需要透明的恰恰是“逢中必反”背后的政治图谋。 It is this blame-shifting that needs transparency.
59425 怪罪中国不能结束这场疫情。 Blaming China will not end this pandemic.
59426 相反,“逢中必反”将把中美推向脱钩,贻误合作抗疫的努力,以及后续恢复经济增长、应对其他全球性挑战的合作,也将黯淡我们缔造美好未来的前景。 On the contrary, the mind-set risks decoupling China and the United States and hurting our efforts to fight the disease, our coordination to reignite the global economy, our ability to conquer other challenges and our prospects of a better future.
59427 这么做,美国从中得不到任何好处。 The United States would not emerge as a winner from this scenario.
59428 指责游戏该结束了。 It is time to end the blame game.
59429 中美之间亟待修复互信,把力用到合作抗疫上来。 It is time to focus on the disease and rebuild trust between our two countries.