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59451 Many have used the time to ramp up their ability to test, trace, isolate and care for patients, which is the best way to track the virus, slow the spread and take pressure off the health systems.  许多国家利用这段时间来提高检测、追踪、隔离和医护病人的能力,这是追踪病毒、减缓传播和减轻卫生系统压力的最佳方式。 
59452 The good news is that there has been a great deal of success in slowing the virus and ultimately saving lives.   好消息是,在减慢病毒传播速度和最终挽救生命方面取得了巨大成功。  
59453 However, such strong measures have come at a cost and we recognize the serious socio-economic impact of the lockdowns, which have had a detrimental effect on many people’s lives.  但采取这些严厉措施是需要付出代价的。我们认识到封锁措施造成严重的社会经济影响,波及无数人的生计。 
59454 Therefore, to protect lives and livelihoods, a slow, steady, lifting of lockdowns is key to both stimulating economies, while also keeping a vigilant eye on the virus 因此,为了保护生命和生计,缓慢而逐步解除封锁是刺激经济,同时保持对病毒高度警惕的关键,
59455 so that control measures can be quickly implemented if an upswing in cases is identified. 以便在发现病例回升时迅速采取控制措施。               
59456 I have previously outlined the six criteria countries need to consider before lifting stay at home orders and other restrictions.  我之前已概述了各国在取消居家令和其他限制措施之前需要考虑的六项标准。 
59457 Over the weekend, further guidance was published that outlines the three key questions countries should ask prior to the lifting of lockdowns:  上周末,世卫组织发布了进一步的指导意见,概述了在解除封锁之前各国应先回答的三个关键问题: 
59458 First, is the epidemic under control?  第一,疫情是否得到控制? 
59459 Second, is the healthcare system able to cope with a resurgence of cases that may arise after relaxing certain measures? 第二,卫生保健系统是否能够应对在放松某些措施后可能出现的病例反弹现象? 
59460 Third, is the public health surveillance system able to detect and manage the cases and their contacts, and identify a resurgence of cases?  第三,公共卫生监测系统是否能够发现和管控病例及其接触者,并能够识别病例反弹现象?