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59461 These three questions can help determine whether a lockdown can be released slowly or not.  这三个问题有助于确定是否可以缓慢解除封锁。 
59462 However, even with three positive answers, releasing lockdowns is both complex and difficult.  然而,即便上述三个答案都是肯定的,解除封锁也是复杂困难之举。 
59463 Over the weekend we saw signs of the challenges that may lie ahead.  周末,我们看到了未来挑战的迹象。 
59464 In the Republic of Korea, bars and clubs were shut as a confirmed case led to many contacts being traced.    在大韩民国,一个确诊病例导致追踪众多接触者,因而关闭了酒吧和夜总会。  
59465 In Wuhan, China, the first cluster of cases since their lockdown was lifted was identified.  在中国武汉,发现了自解封以来的第一组聚集性病例。 
59466 Germany has also reported an increase in cases since an easing of restrictions. 德国也报告称,自放松限制以来,病例数量有所回升。 
59467 Fortunately, all three countries have systems in place to detect and respond to a resurgence in cases.  幸运的是,这三个国家都建立了检测和应对病例反弹的系统。 
59468 Early serological studies reflect that a relatively low percentage of the population has antibodies to COVID-19, which means most of the population is still susceptible to the virus.  早期的血清学研究表明,人口中拥有COVID-19抗体的群体占比较低,这意味着大多数人口仍易感染该病毒。
59469 WHO is working closely with governments to ensure that key public health measures remain in place to deal with the challenge of lifting lockdowns.  世卫组织正在与各国政府密切合作,确保维持重要公共卫生措施,以应对解除封锁的挑战。 
59470 Until there is a vaccine, the comprehensive package of measures is our most effective set of tools to tackle the virus.   在疫苗问世之前,全方位措施是我们应对病毒最有效的工具。