ID 原文 译文
59491 COVID-19 has exposed the uneven distribution of life-saving medical equipment across the world. COVID-19暴露了救生医疗设备在世界各地分布不均现象。 
59492 Tomorrow, the Tech Access Partnership will be launched to increase local production of essential health technologies like masks and ventilators - in developing countries.   明天,将启动“获取技术合作伙伴关系项目”,以促进发展中国家在当地生产基本卫生技术产品(如口罩和呼吸机)。  
59493 This new partnership is another great example of solidarity that builds on the solidarity flights, solidarity trials and Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, which all aim to ensure the latest health innovations are reaching those communities that need them most.  这一新型合作伙伴关系仿效“团结航班”、“团结试验项目”和“获取COVID-19工具加速计划”, 是团结互助的又一光辉范例。所有这些合作项目都是为了确保最新的卫生创新成果能够惠及最需要的社区。  
59494 Only together can we get through this pandemic. 只有齐心协力,我们才能渡过这场大流行劫难。
59496 I repeat, only together can we get through this pandemic. 我再重复一遍,只有齐心协力,我们才能渡过这场大流行劫难。
59497 In national unity and global solidarity.  应举国团结一心,举世团结一致。 
59498 随着武汉市最后12名新冠肺炎患者治愈出院,曾是中国疫情防控主战场的湖北在院治疗新冠肺炎患者清零。 Hubei, the central China province hardest hit by novel coronavirus, is now clear of COVID-19 cases as the final 12 patients in its provincial capital of Wuhan left hospital on April 26.
59499 经过艰苦卓绝的努力,湖北保卫战、武汉保卫战取得决定性成果,全国疫情防控阻击战取得重大战略成果。 Arduous efforts have brought a decisive outcome to the fight of defending Hubei and Wuhan, and the nationwide battle against the epidemic has gained major strategic achievements.
59500 中国是如何做到的? How has China done it?
59501 以下5个关键词能带来一些启示。 The following key words may shed some light.