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59522 Boris Johnson has unveiled a "conditional plan" to reopen society, allowing people in England to spend more time outdoors from Wednesday. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊公布了一项“有条件的计划”来重新开放社会,允许英国人从周三(5月13日)开始增加在户外活动的时间。
59523 The PM also said people who could not work from home should return to the workplace - but avoid public transport. 鲍里斯还说,不能在家工作的人应该回到工作场所,但不要乘坐公共交通工具。
59524 He said a new Covid Alert System with five levels would govern how quickly lockdown restrictions could be eased. 他说,新的新冠病毒5级警报系统将决定解除封锁的速度。
59525 He hoped the next step "at the earliest by 1 June" would be for some primary pupils to return to school in England. 他希望“最早在6月1日”采取的下一步措施是让一些英国小学生重返校园。
59526 In an address to the nation, Mr Johnson said this stage would also involve reopening shops - but he cautioned this would only happen if supported by science. 鲍里斯在面向全国发表的讲话中表示,这一阶段还包括重新开放商店,但他警告称,这只有在得到科学数据支持的情况下才会实行。
59527 The next step could see some hospitality businesses and other public places reopen - "if the numbers support it" - but not earlier than 1 July. “如果数据支持的话”,再下一个阶段将是一些服务性行业和其他公共场所重新开业,但不会早于7月1日。
59528 He said these steps formed part of a "first sketch of a roadmap for reopening society". 他说,这些步骤构成了“重新开放社会初步蓝图”的一部分。
59529 The PM added:"This is not the time simply to end the lockdown this week." 鲍里斯补充道:“本周还不是简单地宣布解除封锁的时机。"
59530 Instead we are taking the first careful steps to modify our measures. 相反,我们正在采取初步的谨慎步骤来修正我们的措施。
59531 Mr Johnson also confirmed that fines for the "small minority who break" lockdown rules will increase. 鲍里斯还证实,对“违反封锁规定的少数人”的罚款将会增加。