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59532 Further details about England's lockdown are expected in guidance to be published on Monday. 有关英国解除封锁的更多细节将形成指导方针,预计将在周一(5月11日)公布。
59533 A government official told the BBC the new guidance will say you can meet one person from outside your own household in a park, if you stay two metres apart. 一位政府官员告诉英国广播公司,按照新的指导方针,人们可以在公园里与非家庭成员会面,但必须保持两米的距离。
59534 People will also be allowed to drive to parks and beaches in England as long as they observe social distancing while there, according to the official. 这位官员还表示,只要人们遵守社交距离规定,就可以开车去公园和海滩。
59535 However, there will be no change in the advice for those who are shielding and have been asked to stay at home for at least 12 weeks. 然而,对于那些正在隔离且被要求呆在家里至少12周的人,建议不会改变。
59536 The PM explained how the "R" number - the reproduction rate of the virus - would be crucial in deciding whether lockdown could be eased further. 鲍里斯解释了“R”值(病毒的传染率)将在决定是否进一步放松封锁中起到关键作用。
59537 Experts have said that keeping R below 1 - meaning one person with the virus passes it on to one other person - is the priority. 专家表示,将R保持在1以下是当务之急,R值为1意味着一个病毒携带者只将病毒传染给另一个人。
59538 "It depends on all of us - the entire country - to follow the advice, to observe social distancing, and to keep that R down," he said. 他说:“这取决于我们所有人,整个国家,都要遵循这些建议,遵守社交距离规定,将传染率保持在低位。”
59539 The PM said those who could not work from home would now be encouraged to return to work - but they should avoid using public transport to get there if possible. 鲍里斯说,那些不能在家工作的人现在可以返回工作岗位,但如果可能的话,不要乘坐公共交通工具。
59540 Mr Johnson mentioned construction and manufacturing as examples of the sorts of industries where restarting would now be explicitly encouraged. 鲍里斯以建筑业和制造业为例,这两个行业正是目前鼓励复工的领域。
59541 Workplaces would receive guidance on how to become "Covid secure", he added. 他补充说,工作场所将获得如何成为“新冠病毒安全地带”的指导。