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59542 He said in addition to being able to leave home as many times as they wish for exercise or to sunbathe in parks, people in England would also be able to drive to other destinations. 他说,除了可以随心所欲地离开家去锻炼或在公园里晒日光浴外,英国人还可以开车去其他地方。
59543 The PM also said he was "serving notice" that it would soon be the time to impose a quarantine on people coming into the country by air. 鲍里斯还表示,他正在“发出通知”,很快就会对入境航班乘客实行隔离。
59544 In a joint statement later, Mr Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron agreed quarantine measures would not apply between France and the UK "at this stage". 在随后发表的一份联合声明中,英国首相鲍里斯和法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙同意,“现阶段”法国和英国之间不会实施隔离措施。
59545 The National Education Union said Mr Johnson's school reopening plan was "nothing short of reckless". 全国教育联盟表示,鲍里斯的学生返校计划“完全是不计后果的”。
59546 Pubs and bars are still "in limbo" following Mr Johnson's speech, industry bosses said. 酒吧老板们表示,在鲍里斯发表演讲后,酒吧仍处于“不确定状态”。
59547 A further 178 deaths of people with coronavirus have been reported by NHS England. 英国国家医疗服务体系报告新增新冠肺炎死亡病例178例。
59548 There were also 12 more deaths reported in Wales, 10 in Scotland and five in Northern Ireland. 威尔士新增死亡病例12例,苏格兰10例,北爱尔兰5例。
59549 The government missed its target of 100,000 tests a day for the eighth day in a row, with 92,837 tests on Saturday 英国政府连续第8天没有达到每天检测10万次的目标,周六(5月9日)检测数量为92837次。
59551 用一个多月的时间 初步遏制了疫情蔓延势头; 1カ月余りで、感染拡大の勢いを初歩的に食い止めた。
59552 用两个月左右的时间 将本土每日新增病例控制在个位数以内; 2カ月ほどで、国内における1日の新たな感染者を一桁に抑えた。