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59553 用三个月左右的时间 取得了武汉保卫战、湖北保卫战的决定性成果。 3カ月ほどで、武漢や湖北を守る闘いで決定的な成果を上げた。
59583 UN Human Rights and the Africa Union have jointly developed new guidance on the possible actions African States could take, in accordance with their human rights obligations, to avoid discrimination against women and girls in their responses to COVID-19. 联合国人权高专办与非洲联盟联合制定出最新指导方针,指导非洲各国根据各自人权义务,采取可能行动,防止在应对2019冠状病毒病过程中出现歧视妇女和女童的行为。
59584 As with previous outbreaks, including Ebola and Zika, policies and public health efforts around the globe do not appear to adequately address the short and long-term gendered impacts of COVID-19, including on the human rights of affected populations. 与应对埃博拉和寨卡等以往疫情暴发情况相同,此次全球各地的政策和公共卫生努力似乎都未能妥善处理2019冠状病毒病造成的性别影响,既有短期也有长期影响,包括对受冲击人群人权的性别影响。
59585 Measures taken in fact risk perpetuating and deepening existing gender-based inequalities and discrimination. 实际采取的措施,由可能使现有的性别不平等和歧视现象持续存在且有所加剧。
59586 As in other parts of the world, women and girls in Africa are most likely to bear the brunt end of the virus. 与世界其他地区一样,非洲的妇女和女童最有可能成为病毒的最大受害者。
59587 UN Human Rights’ East Africa Regional Office collaborates with the African Union Commission including its’s Gender Directorate, and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, both entities felt it was important to contextualize the issue to the lived experiences of African women, focusing on the specificities and groups of women in Africa. 联合国人权高专办东非区域办事处与非洲联盟委员会(包括其性别事务局)在2019冠状病毒病大流行背景下开展合作,双方均认为,必须结合非洲妇女的现实经历思考问题,重点关注非洲妇女的具体特点和妇女群体。
59588 The publication entitled “Seven Possible Actions- Women’s Rights and COVID-19” was developed to assist Government Ministries in Africa involved in planning and responding to the COVID-19, as well as civil society organizations and women’s human rights defenders performing advocacy work with Governments. 题为《七项可采取的行动----妇女权利与2019冠状病毒病》这一 出版物已经出版,用以协助非洲政府各部参与规划抗击和应对2019冠状病毒病,以及协助民间社会组织和妇女人权维护者与政府一道开展宣传工作。
59589 For each category of response to the pandemic, the publication presents possible action steps and the human rights standards these actions seek to comply with. 该出版物针对应对大流行病的每一类措施,给出可采取的行动步骤以及这些行动应努力遵守的人权标准。
59590 For example, the guidance document points out that 74 per cent of women in Africa form part of the workforce in the informal economy sector and evidence is mounting that the economic impacts of COVID-19 is hitting these women harder. 例如,指导文件指出,74%的非洲妇女在非正规经济部门劳动, 越来越多的证据表明,2019冠状病毒病的经济影响对这些妇女造成更大打击。
59591 To minimize the long term consequences for women’s economic and social empowerment and the increase in women’s vulnerability, States are advised to include the informal sector in policies and measures aimed at mitigating the economic effects of the pandemic; 为了尽量减少给妇女经济和社会赋权带来的长期后果,也为了尽量避免加大妇女的脆弱性,建议各国采取的行动包括:在为减轻大流行病的经济影响而制定政策和措施时,将非正规部门纳入考量;