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59592 establish direct measures of compensation and economic empowerment of women, including financial assistance and the delivery of basic goods; 出台直接补偿措施及实施妇女经济赋权,包括财政援助和提供基本物资;
59593 and expand measures of job security for disadvantaged sectors, among other actions. 增加处境不利部门的就业保障措施。
59594 Furthermore, the lived realities of women make them particularly at greater risk of infection. 此外,妇女的现实状况导致她们尤其容易受到感染。
59595 Globally, women constitute 70 per cent of workers in the health and social care sectors; 全球卫生和社会护理部门的工作人员中,妇女占70%;
59596 in Africa, the majority of community health workers are women, they are the first respondents and caregivers for sick family members. 在非洲,大多数社区卫生工作者为妇女,是她们在第一时间应对患病家庭成员,并提供照顾。
59597 To comply with treaty their obligations, advice to States contained in the guidance include promoting a gender and women’s rights perspective within the health system and within the management of response to COVID-19; 为履行条约规定的义务,指导方针向各国提出的建议包括:在卫生系统内部和应对2019冠状病毒病的管理工作中,鼓励从性别角度和妇女权利观点出发;
59598 ensuring universal access to health for all women including sexual reproductive health services such as maternal health services and access to contraceptives; 确保全体妇女普遍享有健康服务,包括性生殖健康服务,如孕产妇保健服务和获得避孕药具;
59599 and granting comprehensive protection to women caregivers and to women who are in the health sector. 向女性照料者和卫生部门的妇女提供全面保护。
59600 Apart from guidance for gender-related action on economic measures and access to healthcare, the document also advises States on gender-based violence; access to food, water and sanitation; participation in decision-making; humanitarian settings; and collection of data and information. 除了为经济措施和获得医疗保健方面的性别相关行动提供指导外,该文件还就性别暴力、获得食物、水和卫生设施、参与决策、人道主义环境以及收集数据和信息问题向各国提出建议。
59601 “In taking all these actions, it is critical to ensure that all measures adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are intersectional and cover the needs of all women, including migrant, rural and women with disabilities,” Kufuor-Owusu said. 库福尔-奥武苏表示:“在采取所有这些行动时,关键是要确保针 对2019冠状病毒病大流行采取的所有措施都相互关联,并涵盖所有妇女的需求,包括移民、农村和残疾妇女的需求。”