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59602 Over 6,200 cases of COVID-19 infections have been reported in West Africa and the UN family in the region has come together to support Governments’ responses to the pandemic. 西非地区已报告了6200多例2019冠状病毒病感染病例,该区域的联合国大家庭正齐心协力支持各国政府应对此次大流行病。
59603 All countries in the region have reported cases and, over the past few weeks, several have reported spikes in the increase of infections, as well as community cases. 目前,西非地区的所有国家都报告了确诊病例。在过去几周里,一些国家报告了感染病例和社区病例激增的情况。
59604 Mindful that the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging the strong health systems of high-income countries, serious concerns are being raised in West Africa where most countries’ health, 鉴于到2019冠状病毒病大流行正在挑战高收入国家较完善的医疗卫生系统,西非地区的疫情正在引发严重关切。
59605 political and economic systems also have to deal with inherent weaknesses to respond effectively to the pandemic. 该区域大多数国家的医疗、政治和经济系统也必须解决其内在缺陷,才能有效应对此次大流行病。
59606 Marlene Urscheler heads the Emergency Response Team at UN Human Rights’ Regional Office for West Africa based in Dakar, Senegal. 马勒那·乌尔舍勒是位于塞内加尔达喀尔的联合国人权高专办西非区域办事处的应急小组负责人。
59607 She was recently designated as the Office’s focal point for COVID-19 related issues in the region. 她于近期被任命为人权高专办在西非区域负责2019冠状病毒病有关问题的协调人。
59608 Q:How has COVID-19 affected your work? 提问:2019冠状病毒病对您的工作有什么影响?
59609 COVID-19 has completely changed the way we work. 2019冠状病毒病彻底改变了我们工作的方式。
59610 First, in terms of not going to the office, working from home, having to deal with distance learning for kids at home and balance spouses’ work priorities. 首先就是不去办公室、居家办公、不得不为家中的孩子们解决远程学习以及平衡配偶的工作重点等问题。
59611 I was quickly given tasks directly related to the Regional Office’s COVID-19 response. 我很快就接到了与区域办事处应对2019冠状病毒病直接相关的工作任务。