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59612 This involves participating in the coordination of efforts within a regional UN and civil society platform headed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and co-led by the UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). 其中涉及参与协调由世界卫生组织领导、联合国人道主义事务协调厅共同牵头的区域性联合国和民间社会平台内部的工作。
59613 That platform serves as a space to share information and, through its six pillars structure, to provide support and guidance on the different aspects of the response to the pandemic. 该平台提供了信息交流的空间,并通过其六大支柱结构提供关于在不同层面应对此次大流行病的支持和指导。
59614 In one of the pillars, together we are trying to figure out an assessment of the priority issues of countries in the region - which ones should be given priority to - and apply objective criteria in this regard. 在其中一个支柱的支撑下,我们正在共同尝试弄清西非地区各国的优先事项,即弄清哪些问题应得到优先处理及如何在此方面应用客观标准。
59615 Because of the pandemic, we are moving into a new area that involves more engagement with humanitarian actors with whom we may not have had  such close contacts before. 此次大流行病让我们正在进入一个新领域,这一领域涉及与人道主义行为者的更多接触,而此前我们可能没有与他们进行过如此密切的接触。
59616 We found that for us it is easier to engage in areas where you have pre-established contacts and partnerships to build upon. 对我们来说,参与到已经预先建立起联系和伙伴关系的领域要更加容易。
59617 Q:What has the Regional Office been doing to protect the rights of people during this pandemic? 提问:在这场大流行病期间,区域办事处为保护人们的权利采取了哪些行动?
59618 The role of UN Human Rights is to protect the rights of everyone and in the context of the pandemic a particular emphasis is given to the groups of people whose right to health may be most affected. 联合国人权高专办的作用是保护每个人的权利,在此次大流行病的情况下,我们尤其关注健康权可能受到最大影响的群体。
59619 For example, persons living with disabilities, how will we ensure that they have access to healthcare and regular needed check-up in situations of confinement? 例如,我们要如何确保残疾人在禁闭状况下获得医疗服务和必要的定期检查?
59620 However, our work goes much beyond the right to health. 但是,我们的工作内容远不止健康权的范畴。
59621 For example, we need to consider how to ensure that the issue of sexual and gender-based violence is mainstreamed as, unfortunately, it is becoming more prevalent in situations of confinement. 例如,我们需要考虑如何确保将性暴力和性别暴力问题纳入主流工作,因为,不幸的是,这一问题在禁闭状况下正变得越来越普遍。