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59622 These are just two examples but we need to identify which are the most vulnerable groups and try to advocate, be their voice and speak up for them to ensure that no one is left behind. 这只是两个例子,但我们需要查明哪些人属于最脆弱群体,并努力为其奔走、成为他们的声音、为他们而发声,以确保没有人掉队。
59623 I think this is the role that the Office should play. 我想这就是办事处应该发挥的作用。
59624 Another element that I think we need to be very mindful of is prevention, looking beyond the immediate and getting prepared. 我认为需要非常关注的另一个内容就是预防,我们应该具备长远眼光、未雨绸缪。
59625 We are in a region where there are humanitarian crises and conflict in so many countries; there is a migration crisis, internally displaced persons, violent extremism... 在我们所处的西非,许多国家内部都存在人道主义危机和冲突,如移民危机、境内流离失所、暴力极端主义等等。
59626 These contribute to a completely different area of concerns in the context of a pandemic. 在大流行病的情况下,这些问题在许多截然不同的领域都造成了关切。
59627 It would be difficult to assess the magnitude of the upcoming economic slowdown and to which degree it would affect certain groups of people disproportionately. 要评估即将到来的经济放缓程度和它会在多大程度上对某些群体造成尤为严重的影响,可能是困难的。
59628 The informal economy constitutes a large part of the economies in West Africa. 在西非地区,非正规经济在整体经济中的占比非常高。
59629 The lockdowns, curfews and general economic crises disproportionately affected the workforce in the informal economy, as there is no social security such as unemployment benefits for them. 封锁、宵禁和普遍的经济危机对非正规经济中的劳动力造成了尤为严重的影响,因为这些人没有失业福利等社会保障。
59630 We need to find a way to by adapting response measures in such a way that they don’t, once again, leave the most vulnerable behind, those that are always kept out; and that development, security and health don’t only benefit those that are already in a better situation. 我们需要找到调整应对措施的办法,使总被排斥在外的最脆弱群体不会再一次掉队,也要让发展、安全和健康不会只惠及到已经处于较好状况的群体。
59631 The WFP (World Food Programme) and the FAO (the UN Food and Agriculture Organization) have recently produced predictive reports on food insecurity in the next three or six months in the region; the numbers they have put forward are very concerning. 粮食署(世界粮食计划署)和粮农组织(联合国粮食及农业组织)最近就西非地区未来三或六个月的粮食不安全情况作出了预测报告,其中提到的数字令人非常关切。