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59642 Since March, I’ve been in lockdown away from home, working from a distance. 从三月起,我就被隔离在离家很远的地方,远程工作。
59643 Thankfully, we’ve been able to keep up with most of our activities, and our work has not been affected that much. 值得庆幸的是,我们能够按时开展大部分活动,我们的工作没有受到太大影响。
59644 We’ve had to adapt quickly, and be proactive in promoting human rights, but we’re managing to succeed so far. 我们不得不迅速适应,积极主动开展促进人权的工作,迄今为止我们设法达到了效果。
59645 What are the main human rights concerns that Moldova is facing? 摩尔多瓦面临的主要人权问题是什么?
59646 Our country was already suffering, and the pandemic is just worsening the situation. 我们的国家本已困难重重,此次疫情又使形势进一步恶化。
59647 Some of the main issues we are seeing are a lack of safe and hygienic working conditions, particularly for medical staff; as well as limited access to medical care, and to food and water, especially in rural areas. 我们看到的一些主要问题是,缺乏安全和卫生的工作条件,医务人员的工作条件尤其不足;获得医疗保健、食物和水的机会有限,农村地区尤其如此。
59648 In the Moldovan media and on social media, there has been an increase of hate speech and discrimination towards returned migrants, ethnic minorities and people with COVID-19. 摩尔多瓦的媒体和社交媒体上,针对归国移民、少数族裔和2019冠状病毒病患者的仇恨言论和歧视有所增加。
59649 At the same time, we are seeing growing limits on freedom of speech, and freedom of press. 与此同时,我们看到言论自由和新闻自由也受到越来越多的限制。
59650 Like many areas in the world, we’re sadly also seeing increased incidents of domestic violence. 和世界许多地区一样,家庭暴力事件也在增加,令人难过。
59651 And we’re particularly worried about how COVID-19 is affecting vulnerable people, such as people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, people with chronic diseases, older people, detainees and people in other institutions, returned migrants and homeless. 我们尤其担心的是2019冠状病毒病对弱势人群造成的影响,如残疾人、少数族裔、慢性病患者、老年人、被拘留者和其他机构中的人员、归国移民和无家可归者。