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59652 They have far more limited access to social services and information on the virus. 他们获得社会服务和了解病毒信息的机会要少得多。
59653 What is UN Human Rights doing in Moldova to protect the rights of people? 联合国人权高专办在摩尔多瓦开展哪些工作来保护人民的权利?
59654 We are making sure that local voices are heard. 我们确保当地人民的意见得到倾听。
59655 We’ve set up an NGO taskforce, including about 50 organisations, where they are able to share knowledge, experience and advice on human rights issues. 成立了一个包括大约50个组织的非政府组织工作队,他们借此交流关于人权问题的知识、经验和建议。
59656 Communicating to the public with accurate, evidence-based, timely and regular information is crucial during a public health crisis, and access to such information is a human right. 公共卫生危机期间,定期向公众传达准确、有据可依和及时的信息至关重要,而且获取此类信息是一项人权。
59657 In this light, we’ve developed a guide for communications officers of state authorities to help achieve this aim. 有鉴于此,我们为国家当局的通讯干事制定了一份指南,帮助实现这一目标。
59658 This has also been useful for media professionals. 指南对媒体专业人士也十分有益。
59659 We have also developed various information materials for the general population, focusing on different human rights, their meaning and their application. 我们还为普通大众编写了各种信息材料,侧重宣传不同的人权、其含义及应用。
59660 What lessons have we learned so far during the pandemic? 到目前为止,我们从大流行病中得到了什么经验教训?
59661 I think the pandemic has taught us how crucial early action and collaboration is between citizens and official authorities, in order to prevent catastrophic consequences. 我认为此次大流行病让我们知道,要防止出现灾难性后果,公民和官方当局之间的早期行动与合作是多么重要。