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59662 The pandemic has also taught us to ‘go local’ to sustain local producers and to limit consumption to what we need. 此次疫情也让我们认识到要“本土化”——支持当地生产者,限 制消费,按需消费。
59663 In the end, what really matters is the same for all of us: the health and safety of our family and our loved ones. 归根到底,对于我们所有人而言,真正重要的都是同一件事:家人和亲人的健康和安全。
59664 Since the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11 March, world leaders, health experts, community activists and ordinary citizens have spoken out resolutely keeping the public informed of minute-by-minute developments, pronouncing national policies, and imparting advice on to cope with the life-changing effects of the virus. 自世界卫生组织于3月11日宣布2019冠状病毒病为全球性流行病以来,全世界领导人、卫生专家、社区活动人士以及普通公民都坚定地发表意见,让公众时刻了解最新疫情发展,宣布国家政策,并就如何应对改变生活的病毒影响提供建议。
59665 Adding to this running commentary are the Human Rights Council’s independent experts, the so-called Special Procedure mandate holders, who have been taking various initiatives in relation to the pandemic including producing a steady stream of statements laced with a combination of stern warnings and a degree of optimism pertaining to the impact of the virus on people’s rights. 除以上实时发表的各种意见,人权理事会独立专家,即特别程序任务负责人,一直在采取各种与疫情相关的举措,包括不断发表声明,就该病毒对人的权利所造成的影响,既提出严厉警告,又表达一定程度的乐观态度。
59666 Speaking on behalf of the current 80 mandate holders at a “virtual conversation” hosted by the 47-member Council today were Anita Ramasastry and Dainius Pūras, Chair and Member of the Special Procedure Coordinating Committee, who echoed their urgent appeals to States and decision makers to ensure COVID-19 policies were deeply rooted in human rights while stressing the multiple human rights dimensions of this crisis.  在由47个成员组成的理事会今天举办的"虚拟对话"上,特别程序协调委员会主席阿尼塔·拉玛斯特里( Anita Ramasastry)和成员代纽斯·普拉斯(Dainius Pūras)代表现任80名任务负责人发言,再次紧急呼吁各国和决策者确保2019冠状病毒病相关政策与人权紧密结合,同时强调这场危机在人权方面的多重影响。
59667 "These weeks have shown us that the Corona crisis affected essentially all kinds of human rights in one way or another", stated Council President Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger.  理事会主席伊丽莎白·蒂希-菲斯尔伯格表示:“数周以来的情况 已经表明,新冠状病毒危机以这样或那样的方式从根本上影响到所有类型的人权。
59668 “These include the right to life, the right to health, access to adequate housing, clean water and sanitation, food, information, freedom of assembly, women’s rights, children’s rights and, of course in particular, the rights of all the vulnerable groups”. 这些权利包括生命权,健康权,获得适当住房、清洁水和卫生设施、食物、信息的权利,集会自由,妇女权利,儿童权利,尤其是所有弱势群体的权利。”
59669 From the early days of the crisis, the Special Procedures, often dubbed the Council’s eyes and ears, have issued 45 press statements to date and issued 29 direct communications to States highlighting various human rights aspects of the pandemic stressing the need to overcome inequalities and discrimination.  自危机开始后,常被称为理事会耳目的特别程序迄今已发表了45份新闻声明,并向各国发出了29份直接信函,突出指出这一大流行病与人权的种种联系,强调需要克服不平等和歧视。
59670 “In all of our findings and advice, mandate holders have recognized the unprecedented nature of COVID-19 and of the challenges and risks that come with it”, stated Ms. Ramasastry, who also serves on the Working Group on business and human rights.  同时担任工商业与人权工作组成员的拉玛斯特里(Ramasastry)女士表示:在我们所有的调查结果和建议中,任务负责人都认识到2019冠状病毒病前所未有的特质,挑战和风险也随之而来的。
59671 “In particular, we have given attention to the conditions guiding the adoption of extraordinary measures to protect the health and well-being of the population”. 我们特别关注为保护人民健康和福祉而采取的非常措施需要遵循的条件。