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59672 Among the initiatives taken by these human rights experts was a “general call” stressing that “everyone has the right to life saving interventions” and reiterating the importance of addressing all human rights in the response to this global crisis.  这些人权专家采取的举措包括发出“一般性呼吁”,强调“人人有权接受拯救生命的干预措施”,并重申在应对这一全球危 机的过程中必须解决所有人权问题。
59673 Spearheaded by the Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Mr. Pūras, the appeal, issued on 26 March and backed by more than 60 mandate holders, stressed that the COVID-19 crisis cannot be solved with public health and emergency measures only. 健康权特别报告员普拉斯( Pūras)先生3月26日带头发出呼吁,强调不能仅靠公共卫生和紧急措施来解决2019冠状病毒病危机,此举得到60余名任务负责人的支持。
59674 “Advances in biomedical sciences are very important to realize the right to health. “生物医学的发展对于实现健康权至关重要。
59675 But equally important are human rights”, stated Mr. Pūras. 但人权也同样重要”。普拉斯先生表示。
59676 “The principles of non-discrimination, participation, empowerment and accountability need to be applied to all policies. 他还指出:所有政策均需采用不歧视、参与、赋权和问责的原则。
59677 This is the way to effective management of the pandemic”, he added. 这是有效控制疫情的方法。
59678 Some 40 States and NGOs took part in today’s virtual gathering stressing the need to prioritize social services for the most vulnerable, the vast challenges the virus has posed on communities around the world, and the many good practices that have emerged as a result of those communities joining forces in response to the pandemic. 约40个国家和非政府组织参加了今天的虚拟会议,强调需要优先为最弱势群体提供社会服务,强调病毒给世界各地社区带来的巨大挑战,以及各个社区合力应对这一流行病后产生的许多良好做法。
59679 “Despite its devastating impact in different parts of the world, the COVID-19 crisis has actually triggered a number of uplifting stories of solidarity and bravery”, Ambassador Tichy-Fisslberger noted.  蒂希-菲斯尔伯格大使指出:尽管2019冠状病毒病危机在世界不 同地区造成了灾难性影响,但实际上也引发了许多令人振奋的充满团结和勇气的故事。
59680 The President cited examples of hosing rents and evictions being waived, improved access to water and sanitation, improved domestic violence response and release of detainees, among others. 理事会主席援引了免除房租和免予驱逐、改善获得水和卫生设施的条件、加强应对家庭暴力和释放被拘留者等实例。
59681 Applauding the invaluable role of the Special Procedures, the Office of the High Commissioner, and the Human Rights Council more broadly, in helping States overcome human rights challenges, several participants noted that those challenges have grown massively in recent months due to the ongoing crisis.  赞扬特别程序、高级专员办事处和更广泛的人权理事会在帮助各国克服人权挑战方面发挥的宝贵作用的同时,几名与会者指出,近几个月,由于当前的危机,这些挑战的规模大幅度增加。