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59682 At the conclusion of the meeting, Ambassador Tichy-Fisslberger stated: "Human rights are not a luxury.  蒂希-菲斯尔伯格大使在会议结束时表示:“人权不是奢侈品。
59683 This is not only a health crisis, but also a human rights crisis.  本次疫情不仅是一场健康危机,也是一场人权危机。
59684 This crisis has provided an opportunity for the international community to act as one to overcome challenges.” 这场危机为国际社会提供了团结一致战胜挑战的机会。”
59685 Singapore is trying a new way to get its residents to stay away from each other. 新加坡正在尝试一种新的方式来让民众保持安全社交距离。
59686 The four-legged robot "dog" will patrol the area starting this weekend and broadcast a pre-recorded message to visitors to remind them of the importance of social distancing, authorities said. 有关部门表示,这只机器狗将从周末开始在这一地区巡逻,并向游客播放预先录制的信息,提醒他们保持社交距离的重要性。
59687 The device will also be equipped with cameras that will scan the surroundings and help officials estimate the number of people gathering in parks, they said. 据称,机器狗还将配备摄像头,可以扫描周围环境,帮助官员估计聚集在公园的人数。
59688 These cameras will not be able to track and/or recognize specific individuals, and no personal data will be collected," the government said in a statement. 政府在一份声明中表示:这些摄像头无法跟踪和识别特定的个人,也不会收集任何个人数据。
59689 The new measure is an experiment to improve enforcement of social distancing throughout Singapore as it contends with an alarming recent spike in cases. 这项新措施是一项实验,目的是改善新加坡各地的社交距离执行情况。新加坡近期新冠肺炎确诊病例激增,令人担忧。
59690 The pilot project is currently set to run in a limited trial for two weeks at one park during off-peak hours. 目前,该试点项目将在非高峰时段在一个公园试行两周。
59691 But if all goes well, authorities will consider expanding the program. 但如果一切顺利,政府将考虑推广该计划。