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59692 Not long ago, Singapore was being hailed as one of the countries that had gotten its coronavirus response right. 不久前,新加坡还被誉为新冠疫情应对得力的国家之一。
59693 Then the second wave hit. 之后出现了第二波疫情。
59694 Clusters that government testing appeared to have missed quickly grew and the number of daily cases shot up. 政府漏检的聚集性病例迅速增加,每日新增病例数量激增。
59695 Since March 17, Singapore's number of confirmed coronavirus cases grew from 266 to 21,707 cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. 根据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据,自3月17日以来,新加坡新冠肺炎确诊病例从266例增加到21707例。
59696 As the situation worsens, the government has increasingly adopted technology in its response. 随着疫情的恶化,政府应对时越来越多地采用了技术手段。
59697 In March, it launched a nationwide contact-tracing app that uses Bluetooth to help users find out if they had close contact with someone confirmed to have been infected. 今年3月,新加坡推出了一款全国范围内的联系人追踪应用。该应用使用蓝牙技术,帮助用户确认自己是否与确诊的感染者有过密切接触。
59698 The government says it's also using Spot in another capacity at a local isolation facility where the robot helps bring medicine to patients. 政府表示,他们还在当地一家隔离机构使用了“斑点”机器狗,它 可以帮助把药品送到病人手中。
59699 It also has been deployed for public safety reasons, such as helping "inspect hazardous packages from afar," the company states on its website. 该公司在其网站上表示,机器狗也被用于公共安全目的,比如帮助“远程检查危险包裹”。
59700 As the coronavirus pandemic has halted the global travel industry, the United Nations and its partners are working to cushion the economic impact of COVID-19 on small island developing States, which are already reeling from climate-related challenges, such as rising sea levels and devastating storms. 随着冠状病毒大流行使全球旅游业停顿,联合国及其合作伙伴正在努力减轻COVID-19对小岛屿发展中国家的经济影响,这些小 岛屿发展中国家已经摆脱了与气候相关的挑战,例如海平面上升和毁灭性的风暴。
59701 “It is hard to imagine a more difficult situation, the catastrophe of COVID-19 and the disaster of a category five cyclone all wrapped into one,” said Sheldon Yett, Pacific Representative for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). 联合国儿童基金会太平洋儿童基金会代表谢尔登·谢特说:“很难想象会有更加困难的情况,COVID-19的灾难和五级飓风的灾 难全部包裹在一起。”