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59702 “However, we are here to support, and our work has never been more critical we will continue to prioritise the needs of all communities, especially children, affected by these dual emergencies.” “但是,我们在这里提供支持,我们的工作从未像现在这样重要-我们将继续优先考虑受这些双重紧急情况影响的所有社区,尤其是儿童的需求。”
59703 Access to health services in Vanuatu, which is difficult under normal conditions with geographical and logistical challenges, is now even harder as roads have been destroyed and health facilities damaged, forcing many pregnant women to give birth at home. 在瓦努阿图,在正常条件下面临地理和后勤挑战时,很难获得保健服务,而如今,由于道路被毁和保健设施遭到破坏,许多孕妇不得不在家分娩,这变得更加困难。
59704 UNICEF is supporting government responses in Vanuatu, Fiji and Solomon Islands to reach those children most in need, while facing the additional demands of the ongoing preparedness and response efforts for COVID-19. 联合国儿童基金会在瓦努阿图,斐济和所罗门群岛支持政府的对策,以帮助最需要帮助的儿童,同时面对正在进行的对COVID-19的准备和响应工作的额外要求。
59705 The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures put in place to contain its spread are also taking a heavy toll on the tourism sector, on which the economies of these small island developing States depend. COVID-19大流行以及为遏制其蔓延而采取的措施也给旅游业造 成了沉重打击,这些小岛屿发展中国家的经济赖以生存。
59706 According to research carried out for a new report by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), as of 6 April, 96 per cent of all worldwide destinations have introduced travel restrictions in response to the outbreak. 根据联合国世界旅游组织(世旅组织)为一份新报告进行的研究,截至4月6日,全球96%的目的地已针对这一暴发实施了旅行限制。
59707 The sudden downturn in travel has left island economies heavily reliant on foreign visitors very worried about their finances 旅行的突然下滑使岛屿经济严重依赖外国游客,他们非常担心自己的财务状况。
59708 “Small island developing states are most vulnerable not only because they are highly dependent on tourism, but also because any shock of such magnitude is difficult to manage for small economies,” said Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Director, Division on International Trade and Commodities, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). 小岛屿发展中国家最脆弱,不仅因为它们高度依赖旅游业,而且因为对于小型经济体而言,如此规模的冲击难以应对,国际贸易和商品司司长Pamela Coke-Hamilton说,联合国贸易和发 展会议(贸发会议)。
59709 It is expected that for many small island developing States, the COVID-19 pandemic will lead directly to record amounts of revenue losses without the alternative sources of foreign exchange revenues necessary to service external debt and pay for imports. 预计对于许多小岛屿发展中国家而言,COVID-19大流行将直接导 1致创纪录的收入损失,而没有偿还外债和支付进口费用所必需的其他外汇收入来源。
59710 Currently, the small island developing States would need about $5.5 billion to counteract the adverse effects of the pandemic on their economies, according to Ms. Coke-Hamilton. 可口可乐汉密尔顿女士说,目前,小岛屿发展中国家将需要约55亿美元来抵消大流行对其经济的不利影响。
59711 Many of the small island developing States, like Jamaica and the Bahamas, also face high external debt burdens which require complementary external debt suspension or relief programmes. 许多小岛屿发展中国家,例如牙买加和巴哈马,也面临着沉重的外债负担,这需要补充性的中止或减免方案。