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59712 The United Nations has recently proposed a framework that aims to ensure debt relief in its report, titled “Debt and COVID-19: A Global Response in Solidarity.” 联合国最近在题为“债务与COVID-19:“团结一致的全球对策” 的报告中提出了旨在确保债务减免的框架。
59713 The United Nations has also established a dedicated COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund to complement efforts in low and middle-income countries to address the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis. 联合国还设立了专门的COVID-19应急和恢复基金,以补充低收入 和中等收入国家应对COVID-19危机的社会经济影响的努力。
59714 The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on regular health services, including immunization. 世界卫生组织(WHO)对COVID-19大流行对常规卫生服务(包括 免疫接种)的影响表示关注。
59715 In the past year, there were outbreaks of measles in Samoa and other Pacific island countries, according to WHO’s Western Pacific Office. 世卫组织西太平洋办事处表示,在过去的一年中,萨摩亚和其他太平洋岛屿国家爆发了麻疹。
59716 “If we allow COVID-19 to disrupt immunization programmes, the Region could face new crises at a time when health systems are already strained,” said Takeshi Kasai, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, calling on countries in the region to continue immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic. “如果我们允许COVID-19破坏免疫计划,则在卫生系统已经紧张 的时候,该地区可能面临新的危机,”市委组织西太平洋区域主 任Takeshi Kasai说道,呼吁该地区各国继续免疫COVID-19大流行 期间提供的服务。
59717 UNICEF is appealing for US$1.6 billion to support its humanitarian response for children impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, up from $651.6 million requested in a similar appeal late March. 联合国儿童基金会将三月底提出的6.516亿美元的筹款呼吁提升 至16亿美元,以支持其对疫情影响下儿童的人道主义救援。
59718 This increase reflects the devastating socioeconomic consequences of the disease and families’ rising needs. 此次筹款金额的增加反映出疫情对社会经济带来的灾难性后果以及家庭需求的增加。
59719 As the outbreak enters its fifth month, the costs for supplies, shipment and duty of care are increasing dramatically. 随着疫情进入第五个月,物资、运输以及关照义务的成本正在大幅增加。 
59720 “The pandemic is a health crisis which is quickly becoming a child rights crisis,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. 疫情大流行是一场公共卫生危机,而现在正在迅速演变为儿童权利危机。联合国儿童基金会执行主任亨丽埃塔·福尔(Henrietta Fore)说,
59721 “Schools are closed, parents are out of work and families are under growing strain. “学校停课,家长失业,家庭正面临越来越大的压力。