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59722 As we begin to reimagine what a post-COVID world would look like, these funds will help us respond to the crisis, recover from its aftermath, and protect children from its knock-on effects.” 在我们开始重新构想疫情后全球局势的同时,这些资金将帮助我们应对危机,从疫情影响中恢复过来,并且保护儿童免受连锁效应的影响。”
59723 Access to essential services like health care and routine immunization has already been compromised for hundreds of millions of children, which could lead to a significant increase in child mortality. 数以亿计的儿童无法获得卫生保健和常规免疫接种等基本服务,这将导致儿童死亡率的大幅上升。
59724 Meanwhile, the mental health and psychosocial impact of restricted movement, school closures and subsequent isolation are likely to intensify already high levels of stress, especially for vulnerable children. 同时,出行受限、学校关闭和后续隔离等带来的心理健康和社会心理影响会加剧儿童本已承受的巨大压力,尤其是对于那些弱势儿童。 
59725 According to a UNICEF analysis, some 77 per cent of children under the age of 18 worldwide, or 1.8 billion, are living in one of the 132 countries with some form of movement restrictions in place due to COVID-19.  根据联合国儿童基金会的的分析,全球18岁以下的儿童中,有约77%(18亿儿童)生活在因2019冠状病毒病疫情而采取了出行 限制措施的132个国家或地区中。 
59726 Risk factors for violence, abuse and neglect are on the rise for children living under restricted movement and socio-economic decline. 生活在限制出行且社会经济衰退情况下的儿童遭受暴力、虐待和忽视的风险因素正在增加。
59727 Girls and women are at increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence. 女童和妇女面临更大的性暴力和性别暴力风险。
59728 In many cases, refugee, migrant and internally displaced children, as well as returnees, are experiencing reduced access to services and protection and increasing exposure to xenophobia and discrimination. 在许多情况下,难民、移民和境内流离失所儿童以及回返者获得的服务和保护会减少,并遭受更多的歧视和仇外。
59729 “We have seen what the pandemic is doing to countries with developed health systems and we are concerned about what it would do to countries with weaker systems and fewer available resources,” said Fore.  我们已经看到疫情对于拥有发达卫生系统的国家造成的影响,我们很担心它对那些卫生系统较弱且物资匮乏的国家将造成的影响。”福尔说。
59730 UNICEF is focusing its response to the pandemic on countries with existing humanitarian crises working both to prevent transmission and mitigate the collateral impacts on children, women and vulnerable populations, especially around access to health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education and protection. 联合国儿童基金会正在重点应对存在人道主义危机的国家的疫情大流行——在努力防止疫情扩散的同时,消除疫情对儿童、 妇女和弱势群体的间接影响,尤其是在获得卫生保健、营养、水和卫生设施、教育及保护方面。
59731 UNICEF has so far received US $215 million in support of its response to the pandemic. 联合国儿童基金会迄今已收到2.15亿美元捐款以支持应对疫情。