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59752 UNICEF warns that although evidence suggests that pregnant mothers are not more affected by COVID-19 than others, countries need to ensure they still have access to antenatal, delivery and postnatal services. 联合国儿童基金会强调,尽管有证据表明孕产妇受 2019 冠状病毒病的影响并不会多于其他人群,各国仍需要确保她们能够持续获得产前、分娩和产后的服务。
59753 Likewise, sick newborns need emergency services as they are at high risk of death. 同样,由于死亡风险较高,患有其他疾病的新生儿也需要得到紧急的卫生服务。
59754 New families require support to start breastfeeding, and to get medicines, vaccines and nutrition to keep their babies healthy. 新生儿家庭还需要获得支持来进行母乳喂养,并在药物、疫苗和营养方面也得到支持以保证婴儿的健康。
59755 On behalf of mothers worldwide, UNICEF is issuing an urgent appeal to governments and health care providers to save lives in the coming months by: 联合国儿童基金会代表世界各地的母亲向各国政府和卫生保健服务提供者发出以下紧急呼吁,以拯救生命:
59756 Helping pregnant women to receive antenatal checkups, skilled delivery care, postnatal care services, and care related to COVID-19 as needed; 帮助有需要的孕产妇获得产前检查、熟练的分娩护理、产后护理等服务以及与 2019 冠状病毒病相关的护理服务;
59757 Ensuring health workers are provided with the necessary personal protective equipment and get priority testing and vaccination once a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available so that they can deliver high quality care to all pregnant women and newborn babies during the pandemic; 确保向卫生工作者提供必要的个人防护用品,为他们优先进行病毒检测,并在针对2019冠状病毒病的疫苗上市后优先为其接种,以便其在疫情大流行期间能够向所有孕产妇和新生儿提供优质的卫生保健服务;
59758 Guaranteeing that all infection prevention and control measures are in place in health facilities during childbirth and immediately after; 确保医疗卫生场所在孕产妇分娩期间和分娩后及时采取各项感染防控措施;
59759 Allowing health care workers to reach pregnant women and new mothers through home visits, encouraging women living in remote areas to use maternal waiting homes, and by using mobile health strategies for teleconsultations; 允许卫生工作者通过家访为孕产妇和新手妈妈提供服务,鼓励生活在偏远地区的孕产妇使用产妇候诊室,并能够得到在线远程会诊服务;
59760 Training, protecting and equipping health workers with clean birth kits to attend home births where health facilities are closed; 在医疗卫生设施关闭时,确保卫生工作者得到培训和充分保护,并为其配备清洁分娩包,使他们能帮助孕产妇在家分娩;
59761 Allocating resources to lifesaving services and supplies for maternal and child health. 保障妇幼保健及其他挽救生命的服务持续开展所需的物资供应。