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59762 While it is not yet known whether the virus is transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy and delivery, UNICEF recommends that all pregnant women: 虽然目前尚无证据表明这一病毒是否在妊娠和分娩期间存在母婴传播,但联合国儿童基金会建议孕产妇们做到:
59763 Follow precautions to protect themselves from exposure to the virus, closely monitor themselves for symptoms of COVID-19. 遵循相应的防护指南,以保护自己免受病毒感染,同时密切监测自身是否出现 2019 冠状病毒病的症状。
59764 And seek advice from the nearest designated facility if they have concerns or experience symptoms; 如出现相关症状,应向最近的定点医院寻求建议;
59765 Take the same precautions to avoid COVID -19 infection as other people: 采取必要的预防措施以避免感染风险,
59766 practice physical distancing, avoid physical gatherings and use online health services;   例如与他人保持社交距离,避免参加聚会,以及使用在线医疗服务等;
59767 Seek medical care early if they live in affected or at-risk areas and have fever, cough or difficulty breathing; 生活在受2019冠状病毒病影响或存在风险地区的孕产妇,如果出现发热、咳嗽或呼吸困难等症状时,应及时就医;
59768 Continue breastfeeding their baby even if they are infected or suspect being infected as the virus has not been found in samples of breastmilk. 目前尚未在母乳样本中检测出病毒,对于2019冠状病毒病感染或疑似感染妇女所分娩的新生儿,母亲可以继续母乳喂养。
59769 Mothers with COVID-19 should wear a mask when feeding their baby; 确诊2019冠状病毒病的母亲在喂养婴儿时应佩戴口罩;
59770 wash hands before and after touching the baby; 与婴儿密切接触之前和之后应做好手部清洁;
59771 and routinely clean and disinfect surfaces; 并应定期清洁和消毒婴儿用品;