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59782 The guidelines offer practical advice for national and local authorities on how to keep children safe when they return to school. 该指南为国家和地方政府提供了关于复课后如何确保儿童安全的实用建议。
59783 “Rising inequality, poor health outcomes, violence, child labour and child marriage are just some of the long-term threats for children who miss out on school,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director. 从长期来看,失学儿童将面临不平等加剧、健康状况下降、暴力、童工和童婚等等威胁。联合国儿童基金会执行主任亨丽埃塔·福尔(Henrietta Fore)表示,
59784 “We know the longer children stay out of school, the less likely they are to ever return. “我们知道,儿童离开学校的时间越长,返校的可能性就越小。
59785 Unless we prioritize the reopening of schools when it is safe to do so we will likely see a devastating reversal in education gains.” 在确保安全的前提下,我们应该优先考虑重新开放学校,否则我们取得的教育成果有可能遭遇灾难性的影响。”
59786 The new guidelines note that while there is not yet enough evidence to measure the impact of school closures on disease transmission rates, the adverse effects of school closures on children’s safety and learning are well documented. 该指南指出,虽然还没有足够的证据衡量学校停课对疾病传播速度的影响,但是有证据表明学校停课对儿童安全和学习会产生不利的影响。
59787 Gains made in increasing access to children’s education in recent decades risk being lost and, in the worse cases, reversed completely. 近几十年来我们在增加儿童受教育机会方面所取得的进展有蒙受损失甚至被彻底逆转的风险。
59788 “In the poorest countries, children often rely on schools for their only meal of the day. “在最贫困的国家,学校往往是儿童每天仅有的一餐饭的来源。
59789 But with many schools now closed because of COVID, 370 million children are missing out on these nutritious meals which are a lifeline for poor families. 但是,由于许多学校因为2019冠状病毒病疫情而停课,目前有3.7亿儿童无法获得这些营养餐,而这些营养餐是贫困家庭的生命线。
59790 They are also being denied the health support they normally get through school.  他们还失去了平时在学校可享受的卫生保健支持。
59791 This could do lasting damage, 这些儿童的发展可能因此而受到持久的损害。