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59792 so when schools reopen it is critical that these meal programmes and health services are restored, which can also help to draw the most vulnerable children back to school,” said David Beasley, WFP Executive Director. 所以,当学校复课时,恢复这些供餐计划和卫生保健服务至关重要,而这也有助于吸引最弱势的儿童返回校园。” 世界粮食计划署执行干事大卫·比斯利(David Beasley)说。
59793 The best interests of children and overall public health considerations based on an assessment of the associated benefits and risks to education, public health and socio-economic factors must be central to national and local authorities’ decisions to reopen schools, the guidelines say. 该指南还指出,在做出学校复课的决定前,国家和地方各级政府必须以儿童的最大利益和全面的公共卫生需要为考量中心,充分评估学校复课对教育、公共卫生和社会经济因素等可能产生的相关效益和风险。
59794 Schools must look at how they can reopen better with improved learning and more comprehensive support for children at the school including health, nutrition, psychosocial support and water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. 学校必须研究如何能够更加妥善地复课,包括如何改善学习,以及如何为儿童提供更全面的卫生保健、营养和社会心理支持以及水、环境卫生和个人卫生设施。
59795 As countries grapple with when to reopen schools, UNESCO, UNICEF, WFP and World Bank as part of the Global Education Coalition – urge governments to assess the benefits of classroom-based instruction compared to remote learning, and the risk factors related to reopening of schools, noting the inconclusive evidence around the infection risks related to school attendance. 各国正在努力解决学校何时复课的问题。在这一背景下,作为全球教育联盟(Global Education Coalition)的成员,联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会和世界粮食计划署敦促各国政府评估课堂教学相对于远程学习的优势以及学校复课的相关风险,包括关于上学可能带来的感染风险的非结论性证据。
59796 “While many students are falling behind in their learning journey because of prolonged school closures, the decision of when and how to reopen schools, while far from straightforward, should be a priority. 由于学校长时间停课,许多学生正在学业上掉队。虽然学校何时及如何复课的决定十分棘手,但它应当成为优先考虑的事项。”
59797 Once there is a green light on the health front, a whole set of measures will need to be in place to ensure that no student is left behind. 一旦卫生风险解除,我们就需要采取一整套措施以确保没有任何学生掉队。
59798 These guidelines provide all-round guidance for governments and partners to facilitate the reopening of schools for students, teachers and families. 这份指南为各国政府和合作伙伴提供了全面指导,以帮助学生、教师和家庭顺利复课。
59799 We share one goal: to protect and advance the right to education for every learner,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. 我们的目标是一致的:保护和促进每一名学生的受教育权。”联合国教科文组织总干事阿祖莱( Audrey Azoulay)说。
59800 The guidelines include: 这份指南的内容包括:
59801 Policy reform: Policy implications address all dimensions of the guidelines, including clear policies for school opening and closure during public health emergencies, reforms needed to expand equitable access for marginalised and out of school children as well as strengthen and standardize remote learning practices. 政策改革:指南要求在各个层面开展政策改革,包括为公共卫生紧急情况下的学校停课与复课制定明确的政策,扩大弱势和失学儿童的公平入学机会以及加强和规范远程学习实践的必要改革。