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59802 Financing requirements: Address the impact of COVID-19 on education and invest in strengthening education systems for recovery and resilience. 供资要求:解决2019冠状病毒病疫情对教育的影响,对恢复和强化教育系统进行投资。
59803 Safe operations: Ensure conditions that reduce disease transmission, safeguard essential services and supplies and promote healthy behaviour. 安全运行:创造必要条件以确保降低疾病传播风险,保障基本服务和物资供应以及推广健康的行为习惯。
59804 This includes access to soap and clean water for safe handwashing, procedures on when staff or students feel unwell, protocols on social distancing and good hygiene practices. 这包括对用于洗手的肥皂和清洁用水设施与服务的保障、教职员工或学生身体不适时的应对程序、保持社交距离的规定以及对良好个人卫生习惯的促进等。
59805 Compensating learning: Focus on practices that compensate for lost instructional time, strengthen pedagogy and build on hybrid learning models such as integrating approaches in remote and distance education. 弥补学习损失:重视采取措施弥补损失的教学时间,改善教学方法,建立混合学习模式,例如综合性的远程教育方式。
59806 This must include knowledge on disease transmission and prevention. 教学方案中必须包含关于疾病传播和预防的知识。
59807 Wellness and protection: Expand the focus on students’ well-being and reinforce the protection of children through enhanced referral mechanisms and the provision of essential school-based services including healthcare and school feeding. 健康和保护:加强对学生身心健康的重视,并通过巩固转诊机制和提供基本的校园服务,包括卫生保健和学校供餐,来增强对儿童的保护。
59808 Reaching the most marginalised: Adapt school opening policies and practices to expand access to marginalised groups such as previously out-of-school children, displaced and migrant children and minorities. 惠及最边缘化的群体:调整学校复课政策和实践,使教育机会覆盖原有失学儿童、流离失所的儿童、移民儿童及少数群体等边缘人群。
59809 Diversify critical communications and outreach by making them available in relevant languages and in accessible formats. 应针对不同目标群体提供语言和形式适宜的服务,以促进重要的沟通交流并回应他们的需求。
59810 "Once schools begin to reopen, the priority becomes reintegrating students into school settings safely and in ways that allow learning to pick up again, especially for those who suffered the biggest learning losses. “一旦学校开始复课,首要任务将是让学生安全地重新融入学校环境,让学习恢复正轨,尤其是对于那些在学习上损失最多的学生。
59811 This is a critical moment as it is the launching pad for a new normal that should be more effective and equitable. 这是进入更加有效和公平的学习新常态的起点,因而这是一个关键时刻。