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59812 To manage reopenings, schools will need to be logistically prepared with the teaching workforce ready. And they will need to have plans specifically for supporting learning recovery of the most disadvantaged students. 要实现良好复课开局,学校需要做好师资队伍条件准备,并且制定支持最弱势学生恢复学习的专门计划。
59813 he guidelines offer a framework for moving forward that the major UN agencies are aligned around," said Jaime Saavedra, World Bank Global Director for Education. 指南为联合国主要机构协同努力提供了行动框架。”世界银行教育全球发展实践局局长萨维德瓦(Jaime Saavedra)说。
59814 Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. 大家早上好,下午好,晚上好。
59815 Yesterday was international nurses day and a moment to celebrate those critical frontline health workers saving the lives of people with COVID-19, Ebola and many other diseases. 昨天是国际护士日,也是铭记这些不可或缺的医务工作者的日子。护士们战斗在第一线,奋力拯救COVID-19、埃博拉和许多其他疾病患者的生命。
59816 As the world celebrated nurses, I was shocked and appalled to hear of the attack on an MSF hospital in Afghanistan, which led to the deaths of nurses, mothers and babies. 当全世界交口称赞护士之际,我却震惊地获悉无国界医生组织在阿富汗的一所医院遭到袭击,多位护士、母亲和婴儿死亡。
59817 Civilians and health workers should never be a target and as my colleague and dear friend Mike Ryan said last week, the weaponisation of health is not helping anywhere. 平民百姓和医务人员绝不应当成为目标。正如我的同事和朋友迈克·瑞安上周所说,袭击医疗机构对谁都没有好处。
59818 We need health and peace. 我们需要健康与和平。
59819 We need peace for health and health for peace. 健康需要和平,和平能促进健康。
59820 And we need it now! 我们现在就需要健康与和平!
59821 In the time of a global pandemic, I urge all stakeholders to put aside politics and prioritize peace, a global ceasefire and ending this pandemic together. 在全球疫病大流行之际,我敦促所有利益攸关方,搁置政治分歧,将和平置于首位,实现全球停火,共同终结这场大流行疫情。