ID 原文 译文
59822 Everyday without a ceasefire, more people are dying unnecessarily. 没有停火,每天都会有更多的人无谓殒命。
59823 Out of solidarity and respect for those killed and injured, as well as all those nurses and health professionals working right now in some of the most difficult environments in the world, I would like to ask for a collective minute of silence to remember those that have been slain in their daily work to serve and save lives. Please join me. 出于对死者和伤者以及目前在世界上最困难环境中战斗的所有护士和医务专业人员表示声援和敬意,我请大家集体默哀一分钟,悼念那些在日常服务中和挽救生命工作中殉职的人员。请和我一起默哀。
59824 (Silence observed for 60 seconds) (静默60秒)
59825 Thank you. 谢谢各位。
59826 Today, the 2020 World Health Statistics were published by WHO. 今天,世卫组织发布了《 2020年世界卫生统计报告》。
59827 There is good news that overall people around the world are living both longer and healthier lives. 好消息是,全世界人民的寿命更长,更健康。
59828 The biggest gains were reported in low-income countries, which saw life expectancy rise by more than a fifth since the turn of the Millennium. 据报道,低收入国家人均预期寿命的增长幅度最大,自本世纪初以来,这些国家的人均预期寿命增长了五分之一以上。
59829 Better maternal and child healthcare has led to a halving of child mortality since the year 2000. 自2000年以来,妇幼保健的改善使儿童死亡率降低了一半。
59830 An achievement for the world. 这是一项举世成就。
59831 Furthermore, lower-income countries dramatically scaled up access to services to prevent and treat HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, as well as a number of neglected tropical diseases such as guinea worm. 此外,低收入国家极大扩展了本国人民获得医疗服务的机会,使其能够进一步防治艾滋病、疟疾和结核病以及一些被忽视的热带病(例如几内亚蠕虫病)。