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59832 However, the report reflects that the rate of progress is too slow to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and will be further thrown off track by COVID-19. 然而,该报告指出,进展速度太慢,按此速度推算,无法实现可持续发展目标。由于COVID-19,将会进一步偏离轨道。
59833 The new statistics shine a light on one of the key drivers of this pandemic: inequality. 新的统计数据揭示了这场大流行病的一个关键驱动因素:不平等。
59834 How is it that in 2020, approximately 1 billion people are spending at least 10 percent of their household budgets on health care? 为什么到2020年,约有10亿人至少需要将家庭预算的10%用于医疗保健?
59835 How is that in 2020, over 55 percent of countries have fewer than 40 nursing and midwifery personnel per 10,000 people? 为什么到2020年,超过55%的国家每万人拥有的护士和助产士不到40名?
59836 How is that in that in 2020, because of a failure to invest in preparedness, we now risk backsliding on child immunization, malaria, neglected tropical diseases and HIV? 为什么到2020年,由于对防范工作投资不足,现正面临儿童免疫、疟疾、被忽视的热带病和艾滋病倒退下滑的危险?
59837 The answer is that the world has not done enough to deliver on the promise of health for all. 答案是,世界表现不佳,未能兑现人人健康的承诺。
59838 The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a significant loss of life, disrupting livelihoods, and threatening to undo much of the progress we have made. COVID-19大流行造成严重的生命损失,破坏生计,并有可能使我们已取得的许多进展前功尽弃。
59839 While the coronavirus is an unprecedented shock to the world; through national unity and global solidarity, we can save both lives and livelihoods and ensure that other health services for neglected diseases, child vaccination, HIV, TB and malaria continue to both function and improve. 冠状病毒给全世界带来了前所未有的冲击;通过举国团结和举世团结,我们可以挽救生命和生计,并可确保针对被忽视的疾病、儿童免疫接种、艾滋病毒、结核病和疟疾的其他卫生服务继续运作并得到改善。
59840 During the World Health Assembly next week we will discuss with health leaders from across the world not only how to defeat COVID-19 but also how we can build back stronger health systems everywhere. 在下周的世界卫生大会上,我们将与世界各地的卫生领导人一道,不仅讨论如何战胜COVID-19,而且还将探讨如何在世界各地建立更强大的卫生系统。
59841 We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to prove that the world is more than just a collection of individual countries with colourful flags. 我们有一个难得的机会来证明,世界不单单是由彩旗斑斓的国家组成的集体。