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59842 We are one world that has more in common with each other than we would ever dare to believe. 我们同属一个世界,相互共同利益之多,超乎我们的想象。
59843 The pandemic has made it crystal clear that we are one world that has more in common with each other than we’d ever dare to believe. 这场大流行清楚地表明,我们同处一个世界,彼此命运相连,安危与共,超乎想象。
59844 The best defense against disease outbreaks and other health threats is preparedness, which includes investing in building strong health systems and primary health care. 防范疾病暴发和其他健康威胁的最佳方法是做好准备,包括投资建设强大的卫生系统和初级卫生保健。
59845 Health systems and health security are two sides of the same coin. 卫生系统和卫生安全紧密相连。
59846 If we don’t invest in both, we will face not just health consequences but the social, economic and political fallout that we’re already experiencing in this pandemic. 倘若我们不在这两个方面作出投资,我们不仅将面临卫生领域的严重后果,而且还将面临社会、经济和政治领域的严重后果。这场大流行疫情就是一个明证。
59847 Today, I joined leaders from the global health, human rights and development institutions to draw the attention of political leaders to the heightened vulnerability of prisoners during the COVID-19 pandemic. 今天,我与来自全球卫生、人权和发展机构的领导人一起,提请各国政治领导人重视在COVID-19大流行期间囚犯面临的日益升高的危险。
59848 Along with WHO’s own guidance on prisons, I urge political leaders to enhance all prevention and control measures in respect to vulnerable populations in places of detention. 除了参照世卫组织对监狱的指导意见外,我还敦促所有政治领导人加强对狱中脆弱囚犯的各种防控措施。
59849 Overcrowding in prisons undermines hygiene, health, safety and human dignity, a health response to COVID-19 in closed settings alone is insufficient. 监狱人满为患不利于个人卫生和健康,并有损安全和人的尊严。单在封闭环境中针对COVID-19采取卫生措施是不够的。
59850 We urge political leaders to ensure that COVID-19 preparedness and responses in closed settings are identified and implemented in line with fundamental human rights and are guided by WHO guidance and recommendations to protect human health. 我们敦促各国政治领导人确保查明和实施COVID-19在封闭环境中的防范和应对措施符合基本人权,并以世卫组织保护人员健康的指导意见和建议为指南。
59851 Furthermore, today the WHO announced the launch of the WHO Academy application designed to support health workers, and the WHO Info app designed to inform the general public during COVID-19. 此外,今天,世卫组织宣布启动旨在支持卫生工作者的世卫组织学院应用程序,以及旨在COVID-19期间向公众通报情况的世卫组织信息应用程序。