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59852 The apps are available in all UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian. 这些应用程序支持联合国所有正式语言:阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、西班牙文和俄文。
59853 With these new mobile apps, the WHO is putting the power of learning and knowledge-sharing directly into the hands of health workers and people everywhere. 借助这些新的手机应用程序,世卫组织将学习和知识共享工具直接交到世界各地的卫生工作者和民众手中。
59854 The WHO Academy app provides health workers with mobile access to a wealth of COVID-19 resources, developed by WHO, that include up-to-the-minute guidance, tools, training, and virtual workshops that will help them care for COVID-19 patients and protect themselves. 世卫组织学院的应用程序为卫生工作者提供了通过手机获取世卫组织开发的COVID-19大量资源的途径,包括最新的指导意见、工具、培训和虚拟研讨会,帮助他们医护COVID-19患者并保护自己。
59855 Furthermore, in response to COVID-19, WHO has utilized our OpenWHO platform and translated guidance into training, including 68 online courses to improve the response to health emergencies. 此外, 针对COVID-19,世卫组织利用OpenWHO平台并将指导意见转化为培训,其中包括开设68门在线课程,以改善对突发卫生事件的应对。
59856 It now has more than 2.5 million enrolments and hosts free trainings on 10 different topics across 22 languages to support the coronavirus response, including our first course in Swahili this week. 该平台现在已有超过250万注册用户,提供22种语言10个不同主题的免费培训,以支持冠状病毒应对措施。本周首次用斯瓦希里语授课。
59857 Everyday we learn more and more about COVID19 and new apps and courses for health workers and the general public allow us to disseminate information quickly and effectively. 我们每天越来越多地了解COVID19,并为卫生工作者和公众提供新的应用程序和课程,以便能迅速有效地传播信息。
59858 Sharing experience and best practices is critical for strengthening our response to the pandemic. 分享经验和最佳做法对于加强我们对这一大流行病的应对至关重要。
59859 Learning together is key to building national unity and global solidarity so that together we accelerate progress faster and build a better world for us all to live in. 共同学习是铸造举国团结和举世团结的关键,唯有这样才能共同加速进展,创造美好的世界,造福全人类。
59860 I thank you. 谢谢大家。
59861 2020年5月11日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian's Regular Press Conference on May 11, 2020