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59862 为支持非洲国家应对新冠肺炎疫情,中国政府决定向津巴布韦、刚果(金)和阿尔及利亚三国派遣抗疫医疗专家组, To support African countries in their response to COVID-19, the Chinese government has decided to send medical teams to Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Algeria.
59863 专家组由国家卫生健康委组建,分别由湖南省、河北省和重庆市卫健委选派。 The teams are organized by the National Health Commission and members selected by the Health Commissions of Hunan Province, Hebei Province and Chongqing Municipality respectively.
59864 其中,中国赴津巴布韦抗疫医疗专家组已于今日上午启程,赴刚果(金)、阿尔及利亚抗疫医疗专家组将于近日出发。 Among them, the team to Zimbabwe has already left China this morning, and those to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Algeria will set off very soon.
59865 中国与非洲是患难与共的好朋友和好兄弟。在中国疫情防控形势艰难时刻,非洲国家向中国提供了宝贵支持。 China and Africa are good brothers and good friends sharing weal and woe.
59866 弟。在中国疫情防控形势艰难时刻,非洲国家向中国提供了宝贵支持。 African countries provided valuable support to China when it was at a difficult phase in epidemic response.
59867 当前非洲疫情形势严峻,中方感同身受,已经并将继续在力所能及的范围内向非洲国家提供各种形式的支持和帮助。 At present, Africa is facing a severe situation. China relates to its difficulties and will continue to provide various forms of support and assistance to African countries within its capacity.
59868 中国政府已经多批次向非洲国家提供大量紧缺抗疫物资,中国地方省市、企业、民间组织等也纷纷伸出援手。 The Chinese government has provided many batches of urgently needed supplies to African countries. Chinese provinces and cities, enterprises and civil organizations have also lent a helping hand.
59869 除派遣抗疫医疗专家组外,中国医疗专家同非方举办视频技术交流会近30场, In addition to sending medical teams, Chinese medical experts have held nearly 30 virtual exchanges with the African side,
59870 中国援非医疗队在当地开展各类培训活动近400场,培训人员2万余人次。 and Chinese medical teams in Africa have conducted nearly 400 training sessions in Africa, covering more than 20,000 people.
59871 中方将继续根据非洲疫情发展和非洲国家的愿望,向非洲国家提供更多抗疫物资, China will continue to provide more anti-epidemic materials to African countries in accordance with the development of the situation and the wishes of African countries,