ID 原文 译文
59892 请问中方对此有何评论? Could you comment on his remarks?
59893 赵立坚:这已不是蓬佩奥第一次散布上述谬论。 Zhao Lijian: This is not the first time for Mr. Pompeo to spread such fallacies.
59894 人们看得很清楚,他只不过是在不断重复谎言。 As is seen by all, he is merely telling the same old lies.
59895 但是,无论他重复多少遍,都改变不了其谎言的本质,更阻挡不了中国人民沿着中国特色社会主义道路不断前进的步伐。 But repetition doesn't turn a lie into truth, and it certainly won't obstruct the Chinese people from forging ahead along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
59896 我们奉劝美国政客收起这套骗人的把戏,给自己留下一点颜面。 We advise the US politicians to stop their deceiving tricks and avoid more self-inflicted humiliation.
59897 美国有线电视新闻网记者:根据《纽约时报》报道,美国政府准备近期发布一项警告, CNN: According to the New York Times, the US government is going to issue a warning
59898 指责中国黑客试图通过非法手段获取美国新冠病毒疫苗治疗和测试的知识产权及相关公共卫生数据。 accusing China of attempting to acquire US intellectual property rights on COVID-19 and public health data through illegal means.
59899 中方对此有何回应? Can you tell us your reaction to this?
59900 赵立坚:中国是网络安全的坚定维护者,也是黑客攻击的受害国。 Zhao Lijian: China is a staunch upholder of cyber security and a victim to cyber attacks.
59901 我们历来坚决反对并依法打击一切形式的网络黑客攻击行为。 We firmly oppose and fight all kinds of cyber attacks conducted by hackers.