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59945 Due to limited testing capacity, most state nursing homes are still only able to test residents with symptoms, even though the disease is known to spread asymptomatically. 由于检测能力有限,尽管人们知道新冠肺炎可以无症状传播,大多数州的养老院仍然只能对有症状的老人进行检测。
59946 “What I would like to see is the ability to test the entire nursing homes,” Parikh said. 帕里克说:我希望看到的是可以对所有养老院的老人进行检测。
59947 “This symptomatic approach is just not cutting it. 这种检测出现症状者的方法并不能阻断传播。
59948 Many states, including Connecticut, are starting to move in that direction ... but I hope it becomes a national effort.” 包括康涅狄格在内的许多州正开始朝这个方向努力,但我希望这能成为一项全国性的做法。
59949 Fifteen states have moved to shield nursing homes from lawsuits, according to Modern Healthcare. 根据《现代医疗保健》,15个州已经采取行动保护养老院免受诉讼。
59950 Nursing home residents were among the first known cases of Covid-19 in the US. 美国第一批已知的部分新冠确诊病例就出现在养老院。
59951 In mid-February in suburban Kirkland, Washington, 80 of 130 residents in one facility were sickened by an unknown respiratory illness, later identified as Covid-19. 2月中旬,在华盛顿州柯克兰的郊区,一家养老院内130名老人中有80人感染了一种未知的呼吸道疾病,之后被确诊为新冠肺炎。
59952 Statistics from Kirkland now appear to tell the national story. 来自柯克兰的统计数字现在似乎说明了美国的情况。
59953 Of 129 staff members, visitors and residents who got sick, all but one of the 22 who died were older residents, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,在129名员工、到访者和生病的老人中,22名死者中除了一人以外,其他都是年龄较大的老人。
59954 By early March, most Covid-19 deaths in the US could still be traced to Kirkland. 截至3月初,美国大多数新冠肺炎死亡病例仍可追溯至柯克兰。