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59955 “One thing stands out as the virus spreads throughout the United States: nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are ground zero,” wrote Dr Tom Frieden, the former head of the CDC, for CNN on 8 March. 3月8日,美国疾病控制与预防中心前负责人汤姆·弗里登博士在接受美国有限电视新闻网采访时写道:随着病毒在美国的传播,有一件事格外引人注目:养老院和其他长期护理机构是暴发中心。
59956 That day, Frieden called on federal authorities to ban visitors from nursing homes. 当天,弗里登呼吁联邦当局禁止人们到访养老院。
59957 US authorities announced new measures to protect residents several days later. 几天后,美国当局宣布了保护养老院老人的新措施。
59958 The CDC investigation into Kirkland was released on 18 March. 美国疾病控制与预防中心对柯克兰的调查结果于3月18日公布。
59959 It contained another warning: “Substantial morbidity and mortality might be averted if all long-term care facilities take steps now to prevent exposure of their residents to Covid-19.” 报告中还提出了另一个警告:如果所有长期护理机构现在都采取措施,防止老人感染新冠肺炎,就可能避免大量老人发病和死亡。
59960 “This is really decimating state after state,” said Parikh. 帕里克说:这真是一个州接一个州的大批死亡。
59961 “We have to have a very rapid shift [of focus] to the nursing homes, the veteran homes ... 我们必须非常迅速地把注意力转移到养老院和老年护理机构。
59962 Covid will be with us for many months.” 新冠肺炎疫情还将持续好几个月。
59963 From misinformation about the use of disinfectants to combat the coronavirus, to false claims that the virus can spread through radio waves and mobile networks, unreliable information is hurting the global effort to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.  从关于使用消毒剂对抗冠状病毒的错误信息,到有关该病毒可以通过无线电波和移动网络传播的错误说法,不可靠的信息正在损害全球战胜COVID-19大流行的努力。
59964 By dispelling rumours, fake news, and messages of hate and division, the United Nations is working to spread accurate information and messages of hope and solidarity. 联合国通过消除谣言,虚假新闻以及仇恨和分裂的信息,正在努力传播准确的信息和希望与团结的信息。