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59965 To rally forces behind this effort, the United Nations is launching a new COVID-19 Communications Response Initiative based on science, solutions and solidarity to fight misinformation. 为了集结这一努力的力量,联合国正在科学,解决方案和团结一致的基础上发起一项新的COVID-19通讯响应倡议,以打击错误 信息。
59966 “Fear, uncertainty, and the proliferation of fake news have the potential to weaken the national and global response to the virus, bolster nativist narratives and provide opportunities for those who may seek to exploit this moment to deepen social divisions,” said Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, who will lead the campaign. 梅利莎•弗莱明说:恐惧,不确定性和虚假新闻的传播有可能削 弱国家和全球对该病毒的反应,支持本土主义者的叙述,并为那些可能试图利用这一刻来加深社会分化的人们提供机会,主管全球传播事务副秘书长将领导这场运动。
59967 “All this threatens to undermine the international cooperation urgently needed to deal with the impacts of this crisis.” 所有这些威胁都有可能破坏为应对这场危机的影响而迫切需要的国际合作。
59968 A rapid response team is being formed to help share facts and science to overcome a surge of misinformation, she said. 她说,正在组建一个快速反应小组,以帮助分享事实和科学知识,以克服大量错误信息。
59969 Here are some examples of how the United Nations is tackling the spread of misinformation. 这是联合国如何应对错误信息传播的一些例子。
59970 1.Producing and disseminating facts and accurate information 1.制作和传播事实和准确的信息
59971 The World Health Organization (WHO), which is at the forefront of the battle against the pandemic, is transmitting authoritative information based on science  while also seeking to counter myths. 世界卫生组织(WHO)处于与大流行抗争的最前沿,它在传播基于科学的权威信息的同时,还力图消除神话。
59972 Due to the high demand for timely and trustworthy information about COVID-19, WHO has established the Information Network for Epidemics (EPI-WIN) that unites technical and social media teams working closely to track and respond to misinformation, myths and rumours and provide tailored information and evidence for action. 由于对COVID-19的及时和可信赖的信息有很高的需求,世卫组织 建立了流行病信息网络(EPI-WIN),该网络使技术和社交媒体 团队紧密合作,以跟踪和应对错误信息,神话和谣言,并提供量身定制的信息。信息和采取行动的证据。
59973 For instance, when the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported in Uganda, some communities in the country’s north believed that the virus was caused by evil spirits and performed rituals to “push the spirits back to the West.” 例如,当在乌干达报道第一例确诊的COVID-19病例时,该国北部 的一些社区认为该病毒是由邪灵引起的,并举行了仪式以“将烈酒推回西方”。
59974 Hate speech targeted at foreigners within the communities began to increase.  针对社区内外国人的仇恨言论开始增多。