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59975 The Ugandan Government took on a more active role in addressing the virus and disseminating accurate information from WHO.  乌干达政府在应对病毒和传播来自世卫组织的准确信息方面发挥了更加积极的作用。
59976 Many precautionary measures from WHO and the Government were translated into local languages to raise awareness among various communities, especially those in remote, hard-to-reach areas with limited access to digital information. 世卫组织和政府的许多预防措施被翻译成当地语言,以提高各个社区的认识,尤其是那些偏远,难以到达的地区,这些社区难以获得数字信息。
59977 United Nations country teams and missions on the ground are using all available channels, such as radio and social media to dispel rumours and counter misinformation, while the Organization's 59 UN Information Centres are also taking the lead in fighting disinformation in local languages.  联合国国家工作队和实地特派团正在利用广播和社交媒体等所有可用渠道来消除谣言和制止虚假信息,而本组织的59个联合国新闻中心还率先与当地语言制止虚假信息。
59978 2.Partnering with businesses 2.与企业合作
59979 Partnering with WhatsApp and Facebook, WHO launched dedicated messaging services in several languages, including Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, to share critical guidance on COVID-19.  世卫组织与WhatsApp和Facebook合作,推出了多种语言的专用消息服务,包括阿拉伯文,英文,法文,印地文,意大利文,葡萄牙文和西班牙文,以共享有关COVID-19的重要指南。
59980 This easy-to-use messaging service could reach up to 2 billion people and allows WHO to get the facts directly into people’s hands. 这项易于使用的消息传递服务可以覆盖多达20亿人,并使WHO可以将事实直接掌握在人们手中。
59981 WHO also partnered with Rakuten Viber to launch a new interactive chatbot which aims to get accurate information about COVID-19 to people in multiple languages. 世卫组织还与乐天Viber合作启动了一个新的交互式聊天机器人  ,旨在向多种语言的人获取有关COVID-19的准确信息。
59982 This partnership gives WHO the potential to reach over 1 billion people in their local language directly through their mobile phones. 这种伙伴关系使世卫组织有潜力直接通过手机用当地语言惠及超过10亿人。
59983 WHO and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), with support from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)​, are calling on all telecommunication companies worldwide to join their initiative to help unleash the power of communication technology to save lives from COVID-19 through text messages. 世卫组织和国际电信联盟(ITU)在联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)的支持下,呼吁全球所有电信公司加入其倡议,以帮助释放通信技术的力量,以通过COVID-19拯救生命短信。
59984 An estimated 3.6 billion people remain offline, most of whom live in low-income countries, where an average of just two out of every ten people are online.  估计有36亿人保持离线状态,其中大多数人生活在低收入国家/地区,每10个人中平均只有2个人在线。