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59985 These text messages will reach billions of people who are not able to connect to the internet for information. 这些文本消息将覆盖数十亿无法连接到互联网以获取信息的人。
59986 3.Working with media and journalists 3.与媒体和新闻工作者合作
59987 The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has published two policy briefs that assess the COVID-19 ‘disinfodemic’ of falsehoods, fabrications and misinformation.  联合国教育,科学及文化组织(教科文组织)发布了两份政策简报,评估了COVID-19对虚假,捏造和错误信息的“同病”。
59988 The policy briefs were supported by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), which is assisting journalists working on the frontlines of the “disinfodemic” around the world, to ensure accurate, trustworthy and verifiable public health information reaches communities everywhere.  该政策简介得到了国际新闻工作者中心(ICFJ)的支持,该中心正在协助世界各地“大流行”的新闻工作者,以确保向各地社 区提供准确,可信赖和可验证的公共卫生信息。
59989 connect a group of 200 Eastern African women journalists through an on-line resource hub that provides training materials on how to cover the outbreak; 通过一个在线资源中心将200名东部非洲女记者联系起来,该中心提供有关如何应对疫情的培训材料;
59990 help a network of 25 community radio stations in Eastern and Southern Africa serving 250,000 citizens living in rural and marginalized communities better cover the Coronavirus-related challenges in these remote areas; 帮助东部和南部非洲的25个社区广播电台网络为生活在农村和边缘化社区中的250,000公民提供服务,以更好地应对这些偏远 地区与冠状病毒相关的挑战;
59991 support 25 community media closely work with the disaster management authorities to reach a wide general audience, but most particularly tribal and marginalized communities; 支持25个社区媒体与灾难管理当局紧密合作,以达到广泛的受众,尤其是部落和边缘化社区;
59992 and empower 50 media professionals in nine Eastern Caribbean countries to conduct effective fact-checking and counter disinformation and sensationalism on coronavirus. 和授权九个东加勒比国家的50名媒体专业人员对冠状病毒进行有效的事实核查,制止虚假信息和煽情。
59993 4.Mobilizing civil society 4.动员民间社会
59994 The United Nations works closely with thousands of civil society organizations around the world that are associated with the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) and affiliated with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 联合国与世界各地成千上万的民间社会组织密切合作,这些组织与联合国全球传播部(DGC)有关联,并与经济及社会理事会(ECOSOC)有关联。